Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

January (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): This month marks your time for undertaking and executing successful ventures. Remember, do not give up immaterial of the circumstances – hold on, and see things through. You must learn to shoulder your responsibilities. Success awaits you!  February (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): You are a strong personality. […]

Tassology: Predictions In A Cup! Yearly Horoscope Based On Tea-Leaf Readings

Tassology (also known as Tasseography or Tasseomancy) is the ancient art of identifying symbols and interpreting messages found in the shapes and configurations of tea-leaves, in a cup. This method of divination or fortune-telling is known to offer profound and often accurate results. The following predictions are applicable to you based on your month of […]

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth: January (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Wheel Of Fortune): Be careful with your investments as you could end with your money getting stuck. You could face a temporary liquidity problem. You need to understand that compromise is […]

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth: January (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Card: Magician): Learn to appreciate your blessings. Take care of your health. Finances will be stable. You are advised to bathe with rock salt to protect and cleanse your energy. February (Lucky No. […]

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth: January (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Card: High Priestess): A magical month awaits you, blessing you with the best of health, wealth and happiness. But you need to stop giving into that sense of feeling alienated. Don’t […]

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth: January (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: World): A bright sunny period has finally begun for you, after a long, dark night. It will bring you name, fame and prosperity. Your health will be in great shape. You […]