On 25th January, 2025, the students of the Dadar Athornan Institute (DAI ) or the Dadar Madressa, embarked on a special journey. For the first time, they visited the M.F. Cama Athornan Institute, or the Andheri Madressa. These two institutions, the only Zoroastrian residential madressas for priests, have worked side by side for decades, providing […]
Tag: Er. Dr. Ramiyar P. Karanjia
Dadar Athornan Institute Celebrates Annual Day
The Dadar Athornan Institute (DAI) celebrated its much-anticipated Annual Day, on 8th December, 2024, at the Institute’s M Joshi Hall, which was packed to capacity with family members of the boys studying here and well-wishers from the community. Gracing the occasion were President of the Athornan Mandal, Vada Dastoorji Khurshed Kekobad Dastoor; Guest of Honour […]
Humble Mobeds Of Rare Brilliance: Unsung Leaders Of Parsi Community – IV
Parsi Times presents the concluding part of the 4-part series by Adil J. Govadia, which honours and celebrates our humble Mobeds – our religious heads, who played a crucial role in preserving our Community’s religious and ethnic identity, while keeping aflame our sacred fires, in our temples and in our hearts. Pious and highly respected […]
Dadar Athornan Institute Celebrates Annual Day
The Dadar Athornan Institute (DAI) celebrated its Annual Day at Mancherji Joshi Hall on 17th December, 2023, presided over by Vada Dasturji of Iranshah – Khurshed Dastur, President of the Athornan Mandal and Chief Guest Roxana Parelwalla, Principal, Dadar Parsee Youths Assembly (DPYA) High School. Conducted by young students Er. Zhian Turel and Huzan Engineer, […]
Unique Online Course For Zoroastrian Priests Completes First Batch
The first batch comprising 20 priests, recently completed the first 10-week module of a unique 30-week long religious course, covering outer rituals, inner rituals and Avestan texts, put together and taught by Prof. Almut Hintze, (Zartoshty Brothers Professor of Zoroastrianism – SOAS, London) and Er. Dr. Ramiyar P. Karanjia, Principal – Dadar Athornan Institute. The […]