Kudos Diana!

Dear Readers, What a wonderful start to the New Year for the community, with tall feathers being added to the proud Parsi cap, keeping alive our legacy of illustrious achievement. Of course, I speak of our very own ‘speed-savant’ Diana Pundole, whose extraordinary achievement has been the toast of the community and the nation, making […]

Saal Mubarak!

Dear Readers, It gives me immense pleasure to present you our Bumper Special Parsi New Year Special Issue, celebrating ‘Happiness’ as our central theme, to further boost the celebratory mood and festive spirit of the community’s most auspicious occasion. Aren’t we a lucky lot to be born into this fabulous, unique Parsi culture! The only […]

Rain Check?

Dear Readers, Every year, Mother Nature showers us with unmistakeable reminders when we get a bit wound up about the smaller things of life – like ourselves. As the IMD starts issuing its rainbow alerts, the monsoon season flexes its muscles and washes away any false sense of self-aggrandisement that we may have unwittingly or […]