The Mumbai Mazdoor Sabha (MMS), under the leadership of President Chandbibi Zaidi and General Secretary Dhunji Naterwalla, signed a new three-year Wage Settlement on the 2nd of April, 2019, with the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital, facilitating an increase in benefits for the Hospital’s Workmen, Upper Staff and Nursing Staff. The MMS is a statutorily […]
Tag: MMS
Amicable Settlement Between BPP And MMS
An amicable settlement was reached between BPP Trust and the Mumbai Mazdoor Union acting on behalf of the workmen on 25th August, 2016. Though the signing of the final settlement took time, a good agreement has been signed for a three year period (January, 2015 to December 2017). For the first time, BPP Chairman, Yazdi […]