. First a slice of history… when the Parsis decided to leave Iran because of terrible traffic congestion more than a 1,000 years ago, there were three factions – One Faction wanted to sail to India; The Second Faction opted for Germany; and the Third Faction wanted to sail round and round around Iran, until […]
Tag: Nariman
Obituary – Late Ervad Nariman Dalal
Ervad Nariman Pirojshaw Dalal, the Panthaki of Seth F N Patel Kadmi Agyari at Mazgaon since 1967, passed away on 10th September, 2019, (Roj Ashishwangh, Mah Aspandad YZ 1389). Having served the Agyari for over 50 years, Er. Nariman Dalal was a self-made man who gained great respect and position in the community by the […]