Iranshah Udwada Utsav – A Tribute To Iranshah, India And Our Ancestors

The Iranshah Udwada Utsav 2024, commencing 27th December is a three-day fest aimed at promoting community bonding and a better understanding of our religion, history, culture and values, alongside showcasing and recognising talent. And all this is at Udwada, the spiritual hub of our community in India. The festival makes this otherwise quiet and sleepy […]

Homage To Amardad

We are currently observing the month of Amardad as per the Zoroastrian Shahanshahi calendar. Amardad (Avesta Ameretat) represents Ahura Mazda’s quality of eternity.  Amardad is also the seventh Amesha Spenta (Bounteous Immortal) presiding over vegetation. The Hamkara or co-workers of Amardad are Rashe, Ashtad and Zamyad. Rashne (Avesta Rashnu) is invoked as Raast or truthful, and along with Ashtad (Avesta Arshtat), […]

The Feast Of Tirgan

Parsis in India are currently celebrating the month of Tir and on Monday 25th November, 2024, Roj Tir will coincides with Mah Tir as per the Shahenshahi calendar, marking the Parab or festival of Tirgan, one of the three most widely celebrated seasonal festivals of ancient Iran. Tirgan is an ancient Iranian seasonal festival, alongside Navruz (spring), Yalda (winter) and Mehergan (autumn). Unfortunately, with both […]