True Significance Of Bahman

In the pantheon of Zoroastrian Divinities, Bahman Ameshaspand (Avesta Vohu Mana) ranks next to Ahura Mazda. Bahman, an Amshaspand or Amesha Spenta (translated as Bountiful Immortal or Arch Angel), is doctrinally regarded as guardian of one of Ahura Mazda’s good creations, namely Animals – particularly Goshpand like cow, goat, sheep etc. This is why devout […]

Pilgrimage to Iran 2024

Audentes Fortuna iuvat (Latin for ‘fortune favours the brave’) aptly sums up the collective sentiment of fifty-one fellow Zoroastrians, who travelled on the wings of faith and determination, with SVG (Social Voluntary Group), to Iran, from 10th to 24th May, 2024. All fifty-one of us had a hearty laugh about the misplaced fears and apprehensions […]

A Peek Into Heaven And Hell

After the invasion of Alexander and the fall of the mighty Achaemenian Empire, the Zoroastrian religion had a setback. The Greeks tried hard to Hellenize Iran and impose their beliefs and culture on the Iranian people. To some extent, they succeeded. However, some provinces like Pars continued to offer stiff resistance. Soon followed the rise […]

Gratitude To The Wise Creator

As per the Shehenshahi calendar, we are currently observing the holy Dae Mahino. This month is dedicated to the Supreme Divinity (Ahura Mazda), and therefore considered one of the most significant in the Zoroastrian calendar of twelve months. The term Ahura Mazda is translated as Ahura (Lord) and Mazda (Wisdom). More liberally translated, Ahura is ‘Creator’ (and therefore Lord or Master of all creations) […]

Parsi Thy Name Is Humour!

5th May, 2024 (tomorrow) will be celebrated as ‘World Laughter Day’. It is an annual event celebrated worldwide to raise awareness about laughter and its many healing benefits, as well as about thousands of community groups worldwide who regularly practice laughter, which is known to promote wellness and overall well-being. World Laughter Day is celebrated […]