The Shree Daman Vapi Parsi Jarthosty Anjuman organised a ‘Khushali nu Jashan’, at the recently refurbished Merwanji Navroji Manekji Dar-e-Meher, in Daman, on 15th July, 2023 (Roj Shehrevar, Mah Asfandarmad; 1392 YD). The extensive restoration of the Dar-e-Meher was facilitated by the munificence and generosity of donors – Dadachanji Group of Companies, represented by Kairus […]
Tag: Padma Shri Yazdi Karanjia
Padma Shri Yazdi Karanjia Takes Comedy Theater On Global Tour Digitally
The Parsi-Gujarati diaspora in Canada are set to get entertained with two Parsi laugh riots performed by members of Surat-based Karanjia Arts, but with a catch — the plays will be staged virtually amid the pandemic conditions. Parsi theatre legend and Padma Shri awardee, 84-year-old Yazdi Karanjia, who has dedicated his life to the performing […]