The Seth Edulji Rustomji Soonawalla Agiary, at Mahim in Mumbai, organized a Jashan ceremony recently, performed by Er. Jehangir Dastoor and Er. Adil Desai, to a packed audience of devotees. This was followed by a collective Humbandagi. Dr. Jasmine Tavadia welcomed Chief Guest Er. Rooyinton Peer, alongside the Trustees and Panthaki Er. Kersasp Sidhva. Hanoz […]
Tag: Panthaki Er. Kersasp Sidhva
Soonawalla Agiary Celebrates Glorious 111th Salgreh
The Seth Edulji Rustomji Soonawalla Agiary, located at Mahim in Mumbai, celebrated its glorious 111th Salgreh on 28th April, 2024 (Roj Sarosh, Mah Adar; YZ 1393) amid much religious fervor and festivity. A continuous flow of humdeens through the day came to pay their respects to the Padshah Saheb, despite the extreme temperature in the […]