Each year, 8th March (today) is celebrated as International Women’s Day (IWD) – a day when women are recognized for their varied achievements. Spurred by the universal female suffrage movement, IWD originated from labour movements in Europe and North America during the early twentieth century, with March 8 declared by Vladimir Lenin to honour the […]
Tag: Zoroastrian Divinities
True Significance Of Bahman
In the pantheon of Zoroastrian Divinities, Bahman Ameshaspand (Avesta Vohu Mana) ranks next to Ahura Mazda. Bahman, an Amshaspand or Amesha Spenta (translated as Bountiful Immortal or Arch Angel), is doctrinally regarded as guardian of one of Ahura Mazda’s good creations, namely Animals – particularly Goshpand like cow, goat, sheep etc. This is why devout […]