Celebrating the life of one of India’s eminent solicitors, the BPP held a public condolence meet for Dadi Bejonji Engineer on 17th June, 2016, at Walchand Hirachand Hall of Indian Merchant Chambers, Churchgate. Present in huge numbers were prominent members of our community, in addition to the wife of Dadi Engineer- Silloo Engineer, were Adi Godrej; BPP Chairman Yazdi Desai; present BPP Trustees Armaity Tirandaz, Zarir Bhathena, Viraf Mehta; ex-BPP Chairmen Minoo Shroff and Dinshaw Mehta; senior partner of Mulla and Mulla- Solicitor Er. Burjor Antia; taxation expert Firoze Andhyarujina; ex-BPP Trustees Dinshaw Tamboly, Arnavaz Mistry, Khorjestee Mistree; leading physician Dr. Farokh Udwadia; Comm. Aspi Marker; renowned prosthodontist Dr. Firoze Mirza and ex-Tata Chief executive Homi Khusrokhan. Also present were, former Judges of Supreme Court Justice Sam Variava and Justice Sujata Manohar.
BPP PRO- Godrej Dotivala began the meet by highlighting Dadi’s contributions to the Rotary Club of Bombay and also acknowledged Dadi’s role in him joining as BPP’s Public Relations Officer. On a lighter note, BPP Chairman Yazdi Desai reminisced infusing humour at every step of life. Paying tribute to Dadi was super-cop, ex-Police Commissioner of Bombay and Punjab and Director General of Gujarat Police, Julio Ribeiro, who added, “Dadi and Silloo were wonderful hosts every time we were invited for dinner. He will be sorely missed by his legion of friends”. His long term friend and renowned economist and industrialist, Minoo Shroff said, “My close association with Dadi has been as a colleague and Trustee of BPP, for well over fifteen years. His bonhomie helped me defuse many knotty situations”.
Dadi’s best known protégé and senior advocate Jimmy Pochkhanawalla said, “It is by coincidence or divine design that I find myself here, in the august company of my only master ever- Burjor Antia, my only senior ever – Rafique Dada, to talk about my only boss ever – Dadi Engineer.”
The event concluded with BPP CEO Cawas Panthaki delivering a vote of thanks and adding that Dadi had become a legend in his lifetime!
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