January (1 to 31)
You are blessed by divine energy this week. Good time to start new partnerships. You may buy new property or renovate the old one. Be Confident. Clear your confusion.
Lucky Colour – Green, Lucky Crystal – Emerald
February (1 to 29)
This week brings good luck to you. Celebrate your success. Legal matters will soon getsorted out. Be aware of back-stabbers. Travel is indicated
Lucky Colour – Black, Lucky Crystal – Evil Eye
March (1 to 31)
This week is excellent for ladies. You will enjoy to the fullest. Diversification in business is possible. Bathe with rock salt.
Lucky Colour – Yellow, Lucky Crystal – Topaz
April (1 to 30)
Take care of your health. Finance will be stable. You are an expert at your job,and will do your best. Follow your intuition and move on. A little juggling is required to balance the situation.
Lucky Colour – White, Lucky Crystal – Pearl
May (1 to 31)
Love is in the air.Be focused and take decisions. Prayer and chanting can help you clear your confusion. Students will do well. Advised to do charity this week.
Lucky Colour – Indigo, Lucky Crystal – Emerald
June (1 to 30)
There could be a new beginning, time to start afresh. Don’t feel depressed, everything happens for a reason. Have faith, courage and confidence. Advised to do charity this week.
Lucky Colour – Grey, Lucky Crystal – Pyrite
July (1 to 31)
Health will be fine. Emotional and financial stability is expected. Overall, a stable week ahead in all areas of life. Sleep well.
Lucky Colour – Brown, Lucky Crystal – Gomed
August (1 to 31)
Enjoy the week with family, in the rainbow oflove, laughter, happiness and success. Accept that change is permanent. Come out of grudges and end unnecessary fights.
Lucky Colour – Orange, Lucky Crystal – Carmelian
September (1 to 30)
You are confident. Follow your intuition. Universal healing hasstarted. Work really hard, as half of the efforts might go in vein. Take the world in your stride.
Lucky Colour – Pista Green, Lucky Crystal – Jade
October (1 to 31)
A good week ahead in areas of health, wealth and happiness. Don’t feel neglected and confront situations. A lesson to be learnt from past experiences.
Lucky Colour -Cream, Lucky Crystal – Peridot
November (1 to 30)
Victory is on the cards. You know your destiny but are in search of the right path. There can be a temporary phase of liquidity in finance. Be careful in making new investments.
Lucky Colour -Maroon , Lucky Crystal – Ruby
December (1 to 31)
A bright sunny period has started after a long dark night. You will have name,fame and prosperity. Health will be good. Take care of your precious things,as they might get robbed or stolen.
Lucky Colour – White, Lucky Crystal – Pearl
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 March2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 February2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 4 January2025