Dear Editor,
I’m mailing both publications – Jam-e-Jamshed and Parsi Times – this letter as a response to the front page letter carried by JJ, dated 10th July, 2016.
Dear Mr. Areez Khambatta,
As you have addressed an open letter of your resignation in public domain, I felt it necessary to respond likewise. Some observations…
- You hold Jam-e-Jamshed in high esteem, to the extent that you refer to JJ as a pillar of society. In that case, can you kindly enlighten the readers as to why did you – a founder member and initiator of WAPIZ page – go to Free Press to print your WAPIZ page all these years and not Jam-e-Jamshed?
- You have stated that the matter between BPP and JJ should have been handled internally and not on a WAPIZ page. Can you then explain why you involved JJ in your resignation? Your issue with the CEO of WAPIZ was your internal matter and should have been sorted out in a one-to-one meeting (your own words!) and should not have been put in JJ and out in Public domain! It was not a principled stand that you have taken.
- Once you have resigned from the post as the Chairman of WAPIZ, you have no locus standi to say that the WAPIZ page about JJ should be considered as non-WAPIZ page! You disowned that right.
The CEO is the captain of the ship and the CEO is the final deciding authority. This was not a crisis or a life and death situation that you took such a drastic step and resigned. The Chairman can give his recommendation on an issue which is not binding on the CEO. ‘My way or the Highway’ is not expected from a respected Chairman.
The Editor of Jam-e-Jamshed used your letter to garner support for herself. She used your letter as first page news. You were used as bait and you fell for it.
Arzan J. Ghadially
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