The following questions are to be answered by ticking off a Yes (Y) or No (N):
1. Have you been told on more than one occasion that you’re a good liar? (Y / N)
2. Do you get away with lying even after being found out? (Y / N)
3. Do you prefer making excuses than saying the truth? (Y / N)
4. Are you able to lie while looking straight into the eyes of the listener? (Y / N)
5. Are you a quick/sharp thinker? (Y / N)
6. Can you easily sense when others are lying to you? (Y / N)
7. Do you have a good/active imagination? (Y / N)
8. White lies are not lies. Agree? (Y / N)
9. I never feel nervous/guilty after lying. True? (Y / N)
10. Do you lie often (minimum 4 times a week) to your spouse/parents (either or both)? (Y / N)
11. Do you hate being lied to? (Y / N)
12. Are you a planned liar – do you have back-up lies? (Y / N)
13. Do you eventually start believing your own lie(s)? (Y / N)
14. If you’re in a situation where you’ve told different lies to different people, can you keep it going? (Y / N)
15. Have you used ‘death in the family’ as a false excuse without feeling any remorse? (Y / N)
16. Have you lied to a cop or a doctor or both? (Y / N)
17. Do you fake laughs at jokes you don’t find funny? (Y / N)
18. While talking about yourself, do you usually exaggerate? (Y / N)
19. Are you comfortable staying put at the place/with the person after lying? (Y / N)
20. Have you ever thought about becoming a politician? (Y / N)
Now total up the number of ‘Y’s you’ve ticked. If you have scored:
More Than 15 ‘Y’s: You make Pinocchio look like honest Joe! You were born to lie – to you the truth is boring and passé. Not many can lie with the finesse and alacrity as you! Usually a charmer, your lying genius will hold you in good stead – as long as you choose to stay single and opt for a career in politics!
10 To 15 ‘Y’s: You can lie well but your conscience makes you either feel guilty or worse, own up. You end up constantly justifying yourself. You’re not malicious, you’re just an attention seeker. You would find peace if you quit the habit.
4 To 9 ‘Y’s: You desperately wish to convince everyone that white lies are not lies, but unfortunately, no one believes that, including you! Lies have no color. They’re either lies or they’re not. And you’re definitely not good at pulling these off. So quit before people stop taking your word seriously!
3 And Less ‘Y’s: You don’t even qualify to take this Quiz! You can’t lie to save your life – and that is precisely what will save your soul! Keep it up!
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