Court Orders Further Investigation Into Dadi House Scandal

 The curtains have finally come down on the Dadi House legal case. In a historic turn of events, on the 5th of October, 2016, Judge Palaspagar dictated the order at the Metropolitan Court (Room No. 38), directing the police to conduct further investigation in the matter of the FIR lodged against Ex-BPP Chairman, Dinshaw Mehta, for allegedly taking cash in the matter of transfer of tenancy of office premises at Dadi House. The Judge took into account the new evidence, which included audio and video recordings, provided by the original complainant, Ex-Trustee Khojeste Mistree. The order also noted that both, the police and the Public Prosecutor, had asked for further investigation, based on the new evidence.

The community has for long awaited the passing of this order by Judge Palaspagar to legally probe into the Dadi House cash scandal, where the FIR against Dinshaw Mehta had been filed at the MRA Marg Police station. On being requested by the advocate of main complainant, Khojeste Mistree, to monitor the progress of the investigation, the Judge has set 20th of January, 2017 as the next date in compliance of the same. The offences on Dinshaw Mehta amounting to ‘Criminal Breach of Trust’ and ‘Cheating’ are serious felonies. In keeping with all the evidence and facts, Dinshaw Mehta’s arrest seems like a strong possibility.

The drama began in the second half of 2013 where the transfer of Dadi House office’s tenancy agreement was signed by the then four Trustees – Dinshaw Mehta, Muncherji Cama, Arnavaz Mistry and Armaity Tirandaz, before the present BPP Chairman (and then Trustee) Yazdi Desai, who found out that the entire amount was not received by the Trust; and retained the original agreement with himself, asking for an explanation. All six Trustees confronted Dinshaw Mehta in the Wadia Committee office and all six signed the first draft of the complaint to be submitted to the EOW (Economic Offences Wing). However, for reasons best known only to them, both, Tirandaz and Cama refused to sign the final complaint. And, therein started the great divide, which has continued to harm the Trust and the community to this date.

A lot of drama has unfolded since… starting with Dinshaw Mehta’s volte face about his own resignation after agreeing to resign and then disappearing citing ‘palpitations’ but (based on recent audio and visual evidence) the next day, along with his son, Trustee Viraf Mehta, quickly setting up a meeting with incoming tenant Musharaf and returning the 25 lakhs in cash to him… to the current day diversions created to constantly disrupt and delay the judicial process. But the new Board played their cards carefully and a series of events took place that is now part of the Dadi House history. (for complete details, log on to our website

Fast forward to 8th September, 2016 where yet again diversionary tactics were employed to delay judicial proceedings – only this time it stooped to the dastardly low of Hormaz Mehta and Dinshaw Mehta physically assaulting Trustee Kersi Randeria. In contradiction to eye witnesses who swore to the above act, there was complete denial of the same from the Mehta clan. But since this brawl broke right outside the court’s premises, the community awaited the CCTV footage.

When Parsi Times made enquiries with the police department to make the video feed public, we shockingly learnt that the very next day (9th September), the police had become aware that the video camera in the Court was NOT working! Obviously, one side was aware of this fact and taking full advantage, insisted that the video-feed would reveal all, knowing fully well that their lies would never be exposed. Even so, the Mehtas had yet again succeeded in diverting the attention of the community from the issue of the alleged cash transaction.

But armed with new evidence and the Court’s directive, the police will now carry out further investigation. The charges of Criminal Breach of Trust (Section 406) and Cheating (Section 420) will be investigated. And the much awaited justice will be done.

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