While visiting Hua Hin, a coastal city, south of Bangkok, I attended a seminar conducted by a Bhikkhuni (Buddhist nun) who spoke on why human beings are different from each other. Here is a gist of what she explained…
The gross body of each human being is composed of five elements and since everybody has the same five elements in common, we may wonder why people are all so different. The answer lies in the different proportion of these same elements present in the gross body as well as the makeup of our subtle or astral bodies.
The astral or subtle body of each person contains the various tendencies, formed from previous lives’ repeated experiences, thoughts and actions, which lead to the various distinctions in constitutions, dispositions and temperaments. The gross body is the physical body which can be easily perceived by the five sense organs of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It undergoes six modifications: birth, existence, growth, maturity, decay and death. The gross body is also the instrument and means to fulfil many ambitions.
The astral body can be described as the combination of senses, vital breath and the experiences man receives through the mind and the intellect, and which constitute our own unique personality. It is larger than the gross body since it also encompasses the mind.
While the gross body is limited in its activities, with our mind or sub
tle body it is possible to travel anywhere at lightning speed, yet most of us do not know how to utilise the astral body to its full capacity. The astral body is at its most efficient and healthiest point when the mind is pure, clean and concentrated. The immense spiritual energy which lies hidden and untapped in the subtle body, if properly used, will enable us to experience inexplicable joy or bliss.
Human nature and behavioural patterns are the outcome of three qualities, present within each one of us. People are usually divided into groups depending on their mind’s predominant quality. The three qualities are purity, kind of activity and inertia. Each of us has these three qualities in varying proportions. When a person is pure, one tends to be more contemplative, mature and gives priority to real values and goals in life. When one is very active, he tends to be ambitious and when one is lazy and dull, he usually compromises life’s intrinsic true values.
To achieve all that is mentioned above, one needs to have good relations with others and the society at large. How can that be made possible? Here, compassion and understanding are the secrets. All our actions should reflect supreme compassion. We need to see life from the other person’s perspective and have a deep understanding of their needs and viewpoints. Compassion requires that you emerge from your narrow shell and expand your love and empathy to those beyond your immediate circle.
This body is the opportunity we are given to exhaust our past karma in order to be free and achieve liberation. This body is where karma, intended as action, can take place. Each human life is the balance of the past and present karma. We have acted in the past, we are now acting in the present and therefore it is not easy to be free from the claws of karma. We must live intelligently as this human body is a precious opportunity to attain liberation. Just as a bulb is useless without electricity, a body is inert and cannot function without the power of the soul. We are like tourists using this body-tent while we are travelling on earth. This body may also be compared to a temple and to that unfathomable treasure within, God himself. God hides in this body and He is so close to each one of us that there is no distance at all.
To unveil this supreme treasure, we must go within and, once you have discovered God within, you will be the richest person in the world. Love your body but do not be attached to it because it is a piece of cloth to be used for one incarnation and then discarded.
The lecturer said that Paramahamsa Hariharanada often compares the body to an earthen pot. If this clay pot is not properly baked, it will break very easily. Similarly to be strong and long lasting, this body-pot needs to be adequately baked in fire. Yoga is the fire. With knowledge, meditation and prayers, the body will become stronger and healthier.
The seeking of happiness is only for the mind. The soul is ever pure and nothing can touch it – neither happiness nor unhappiness. With this, the Buddhist nun concluded her lecture.
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