On 24th Sept., 2016, PT Writer Ruby Lilaowala was invited by the Senior Citizens Association of Five Gardens, Dadar, Wadala and Matunga, to speak on, ‘The Ways To Stay Young In Mind, Body and Spirit’. Held at the J B Vachha School, the seniors attentively heard the vivacious seventy-two year old Ruby explain, that remaining young in mind, body and spirit is not the monopoly of a few and can be can be achieved with the right mental application, diet, appropriate exercises and having a holistic view of life. With Gujarati, Hindi and English quotations, she inspired the house-full audience to ‘make-over’ their lives, grow ‘young’ and live each day with love, humour and optimism. This was followed by questions from the audience which were answered by Ruby in her inimitable style with more quotes and jokes.
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