Parsi Times brings you interesting facts about our beloved Bombay! Explore this city’s amusing history and get to know why and how so many streets and places got their names with KYB!
Literally meaning ‘a dark horse’, there was a brilliant statue of King Edward the VIII atop a black horse sculpted by Albert David Sassoon. This marvellous and popular piece of art became a landmark for the Museum, Jehangir Art Gallery, the Elphinstone College and the now defunct Watson Hotel. The statue was removed in 1965 but the name of the location continues.
Wodehouse Road
(From Esplanade to Colaba Road) is named after Sir Phillip Wodehouse, Governor of Bombay 1872-1877. Born in 1811, he served in the Ceylon Civil Service, and went on to become Superintendent of British Honduras, Governor of British Guiana, Governor of the Cape and High Commissioner in South Africa, before coming to Bombay.
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