In Support Of Cmdr. Medioma’s Letter To PT
I fully support the views written in Parsi Times’ Letters To The Editor, by Commodore Medioma Bharda, asking us to help safeguard our ancestral properties. I request all like-minded people to write in to him and let us form an association to protect Parsi land and properties. We could have an NGO and we could work together to claim back our land/properties which are occupied by force or encroachment. Let us do this noble deed. This will enable us to leave a legacy for children of our Zoroastrian faith.
Gev Dalal
New occupation: Driven To Success!
As we are aware, the taxi landscape in India has changed with the entry of international players like Uber and Ola. When we ride in these cabs, we encounter smart, educated, well-dressed, English-speaking drivers who are polite.
Curious as to what was attracting such people to take up driving cabs, I spoke to a few of them and was surprised to learn that they earn almost Rs. 50,000/- per month, after expenses. Some of them started with one self-driven cab, saved money, and in the space of 1-2 years put in 3-4 cars with hired drivers and are doing roaring businesses!
I would like to urge the Parsi youth who are not able to earn such money in white collar jobs to venture into this occupation. All you need is to invest a few lakhs into a new car and know driving!
Khurshed Pastakia
X’mas Gifting Through The Year!
My attention was drawn to your editorial on the above subject thanks to a forwarded e-mail of Bishop Penha’s letter appreciating your sentiments.
Of late I have not been following your editorials, but suffice to say that the one on Christmas gifting is indeed in keeping with the true spirit of X’mas. Your nine ideas of gifting viz giving a helping hand, lending a ear, saying a comforting word, displaying a smile, mere presence, radiating positivity, showing respect, showering love and expressing thanks and gratitude, in fact, are more valuable in the true sense. We as a society have become so materialistic in our thinking that even when it comes to gifting, we can only think of cash and material gifts.
We need not wait for X’mas or any other occasion. We all can make a beginning and start right away!
Phiroze Amroliwalla
Winds of Change
Didn’t we see it coming? They were around the corner! They blow and they stir up things! Let’s embrace them with dignity and much needed rational attitude. There are going to be the usual naysayers… let’s hear them out… in their resistance may lie our strength… in their arguments may lie their answers… the earlier we realize, the better.
The unprecedented support this new wave of change achieved at the Navsari Anjuman could just be the beginning. Let’s not allow it to wane in the shadows of mud-slinging. Let us not leave the turn of events to chance. Let us take this as an opportunity to turn the sails to our advantage. Let us look into our scriptures the very connoisseurs who claim that such steps are “Against our religion” and with due respect let it be known to them that even if it maybe so, change is inevitable. They are far less in numbers but they are the ones whose voices are heard. This time around let our sounds be heard … let the pitch be low but the motive be clear.
It is not about who is right and who isn’t. It is about what is the right thing to do henceforth. Let the community not be divided on this issue, instead let us try and convince them, the ones trying to move against the winds… it’s for a larger good. If they don’t in spite of our efforts, never mind. They will come around, but for now let us move ahead, in the direction of the winds of change.
Lord Ahuramazda is the ‘Wise Lord’, and we being followers of His faith, it’s high time to prove our wisdom. The Law of Mazda cleanses the faithful from every evil thought, word and deed, as swift-rushing, mighty wind cleanses the plain. Let this wind of change that has begun to blow from Navsari do the same for us. As a simple, fairly knowledgeable mortal, I quote Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Nozzer Pardiwala
(Teacher, Author, Film-Maker and Creative Director, bLOGiMLY)
May Our Tribe Increase
Mr. Dinshaw Tamboli’s statistical data of the decline in the community is indeed scary, but there seems very little possibility of reversing the trend. Offerings of financial assistance or providing for infertility treatment has madeno significant impact, as with both parents working, poverty is not the cause to restrict the family. The major problem that working parents face today is the safe custody for their children. With the nuclear family system, parents have no option, but to leave the children in custody of unreliable servants or caretakers.
If the community is really concerned about the declining trend, we have to provide facilities for the safe care of our children. The BPP trustees offer incentives to raise more children, not realising that no self-respecting parents wish to bring up their children on doles or charity and it might even hurt the sentiments of the child when he learns that he was brought up on charity. They should use the money to establish day care centres in colonies. Most parents would willingly bear the cost and those who cannot afford may be compensated from the charitable trusts. To establish and run the centre social workers preferably from the colony may be appointed. Ladies in the colonies not qualified to get office jobs, and living on doles, may get the opportunity to earn and live with dignity.
The centre should provide for all the needs of the children, attending to their personal hygiene, and providing healthy meals and snacks to the children. Being relieved of the burden, the parents may perhaps be motivated to raise more children!
Our community’s trend of having only one child and providing him/her with the best amenities, has brought not only a decline in numbers, but also a decline in moral values among the present generation. With constant attention and pampering for the only child, it becomes arrogant, selfish, not willing to share and care for others. With such attitude, he finds it difficult to adjust in social circles and later in married life. On a statistical basis, we find more cases of divorces among the younger generation.
Parents who feel that they are bringing up one child to give him a better life, should realise that they are depriving their child of the real joy life, the happiness he gets in the company of his siblings, a joy which cannot be compensated with costly gadgets, toys or luxuries of life. For all round development of the child, to his full potential, and to make him a responsible citizen, it is most essential that he is brought up in company of his siblings. At all stages of life, siblings remain a strong and unique pillar of support to one another.
Life becomes more disciplined, orderly and easier, when children in a family share duties and accept responsibilities. The older children take responsibility of the youngsters, and the young siblings learn in their footsteps. Children brought up in such family atmosphere will be responsible citizens, the pride of their parents, joy to the family, and assets to the community. Children brought up in a big family tend to be more compassionate and loving.
Delay in marriage, and further delay to get settled in life before raising the family often hampers the birth of children, and there is no treatment once the fertility period is over. No parent has later grudged having more children, but many have repented delaying and failing to raise the family. It is the duty of the younger generation to stall any further decline in the number of births in the community.
Piroja Jokhi
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