Dear Readers,
First up, I want to thank you all for the overwhelming response to PT’s ‘Wow Your Valentine’ Contest! You wowed us alright with your brilliant talent – we truly are a blessed community, gifted with love! Which is probably why we celebrate every festival and ‘Day’ possible, with as much gaiety – be it Christmas, Diwali, Mother’s Day or the oncoming Valentine’s Day!
So it’s that time of the year when those who are single repent for not having mingled enough, and those who aren’t single repent for having over-mingled and can’t mingle around anymore. Valentine’s Day is about love, not just the romantic kind between companions, but simply holistic, uncategorized, unconditional love. And the only way we are capable of loving or being loved like that, is when we are able to love ourselves as much. So, this Valentine’s Day, regardless of your relationship status, do not believe for a moment that you’re incomplete without a significant other. Love is not the reserve of a capacity. It’s more than alright to be single (don’t take my word for it – ask your friends who are married, when the spouse ain’t around!) The proverbial grass will always be greener on the other side of Valentine’s Day! So, just love yourself and share that love with all who mean much to you – family, friends, pets, et al.
In today’s age of social media addiction, love has come to be measured by the number of likes and emojis have replaced warm hugs, reducing Valentine’s Day to an occasion forcing people to produce and showcase emotions on demand. It’s not that we lack spontaneity, but it just seems pretentious to feel obliged to express your heartfelt emotions on a specific day of the year. Then again, Valentine’s Day, like most others, is highly commercialized with consumers having to shell out crazy amounts of money on gifts, cards, events and jewelry. It shouldn’t have to be this way! Let the greatest gift you give be your presence, and let the greatest gift you accept be a smile or a hug!
Again, and most importantly, do not forget to love yourself – real beauty comes from the inside out. And there is no greater synonym for beauty than love. In the words of the much-loved American poet and activist, Maya Angelou, “In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are, and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.”
Have a fun, relaxed weekend and a Happy Valentine’s Day!
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