Bombay, Pune, Nagpur and Ahmedabad are some of the cities that hit record temperatures during summer – going above 35˚-36˚C! This season calls for drinking more water, especially with Mumbai’s sultry weather when we tend to sweat excessively. The desire to cool ourselves with cold drinks, faloodas, ice-creams and carbonated water has a disastrous effect on the body, especially for circulation and it brings on the ‘sore throat’ which causes a lot of pain and irritation due to itchiness in the throat and difficulty in swallowing. The constant sore feeling affects the voice too and there is tenderness around the throat due to large cervical glands. Hence, it is essential that we diagnose this condition early to arrest the production of a severe bacterial infection which could lead to bronchitis, especially older people.
Homoeopathy is the medical therapy which treats the individual first, not the disease, and hence symptoms of the individuals at that time of sore throat are very important to consider. To cool yourself down in the hot weather you can try two of these very effective remedies, namely Bryonia Alba and Carbo Veg. If your voice gets affected with severe irritation in the throat, then Causticum is useful. Sometimes consuming even a simple cold-drink will make you catch a sore throat – for this I recommend Penicillium 200.
It is important for people to understand that not all sore throats are bacterial or viral, sometimes these are allergies. Sore throats can be quite allergic in nature, triggered by certain kinds of moles or pollens in the house in the hot weather. When you rearrange your books or clean the furniture, allergens can enter your throat causing an itchy sensation.
Some of the important useful home remedies for sore throat include gargling twice/thrice a day with Echinacea Mother Tincture 20 drops in hot water. Another home remedy is mixing equal quantities of turmeric and salt in hot water and gargling daily. Here’s wishing you a healthy and safe summer.
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