On 19th February, 2017, Xtremely Young Zoroastrians (XYZ) organised ‘XYZ Games 2017’ at Cusrow Baug, with over 300 enthusiastic children, aged 4 to 16, along with parents and volunteers, were to complete 8 tasks. These games included various sporting activities which needed to be completed in record time. The tasks were designed to test the 26 teams from various XYZ groups from Mumbai and Thane, on their skills, speed and strength. Despite the soaring temperatures, the teams resiliently braved races including the obstacle course race, 9-legged barrier race, shuttle race, tyre transport race, tug of war and ‘Ulta Pulta race’ which tested the kids’ tact and strategy – even as numerous parents and over 35 volunteers cheered them on!
Home team and defending champions, Darius’s Daredevils once again won the ‘Champions’ title, followed by runners-up, Cyrus’ Superstars. XYZ thanks Cusrow Baug United Sports and Welfare League for allowing the use of the pavilion and the playgrounds free of cost as also to the WZO Trust Funds for sponsoring the event.