From The Editor’s Desk

The Perfect Surprise!

Dear Readers,

It was indeed surprising to all in our community when we got to know that our Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor would be filling in the prestigious position of Parsi Member on the National Commission of Minorities. What a perfect surprise! Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor, the youngest of our high-priests, who diligently takes care of our sanctum sanctorum – the Udvada Atash Behram – will go on to represent and safeguard the interests of India’s Parsi/Irani Zarthostis on a more empowered, Governmental level hereon.

What a perfectly apt surprise too – as this appointment should hopefully usher in the end of the current debate, or should I say ever-increasing divide, between the orthodox and the reformists within our community. The dynamic Vada Dasturji, is as much known to be an erudite and prophetic religious leader as he is for his down-to-earth, pragmatic and solution-oriented outlook. This should sufficiently placate concerns of both – the traditionalists and the progressives. Not surprisingly, numerous messages have been pouring in expressing happiness, recounting various positive experiences they’ve had when they chanced to meet Dasturji Dastoor in Udvada and elsewhere.

And lastly, it would be unfortunate if we missed out on perhaps the finest nuance that this perfect surprise brought in, for all the community to see. I’m talking about the absolute sense of grace, dignity and sensitivity extended by Dinshaw Tamboly, one of the greatest philanthropists of our community, who was initially considered for the NCM position, and was later, unnecessarily and unfairly targeted by some. He personally called up to sincerely express his best wishes on the appointment of our Vada Dasturji, and said that he was the ideal choice for the community’s harmony and welfare. Now, if only the rest of us could take a page out of his book to condition our demeanour with that kind of poise and compassion – wouldn’t that be the perfect surprise for our community?

Here’s wishing Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor heartiest congratulations on this eminent title – we look forward to his piloting our community to greater strengths. Let’s all extend our unconditional support to him to enable him accomplish the new feats that await him in yet another august position!

Have a lovely weekend!

– Anahita


Congratulations to Dasturji for his appointment and also to Mr. Tamboly for his gracious acceptance of the choice of Dasturji

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