Vadodara’s 13-year-old, Tinaz Mistry bagged a ‘Bronze’ medal at the National School Games Chess Championship held at Warangal, Telangana, on 14th November, 2017. Representing Gujarat in the Under-14 category with her team at the 63rd School Games Federation of India (SGFI) competition, Tinaz also bagged a ‘Silver’ medal for the board prize for her individual excellent performance, competing against 24 best states teams of India. Rated as the second youngest international player in 2009, Tinaz, who studies at Navrachana Sama School, ranked 19th in the Commonwealth Games Chess Championship held in Delhi in 2011. Speaking to Parsi Times, Tinaz said, “I feel extremely elated and it gives me a great sense of achievement as we played against the best 24 teams of India. I, individually performed the best in the team shunning higher rated players scoring 5 out of 6 points. I will be playing the National Schools Chess Championship at Bhubaneswar in January 2018 and am working towards achieving the title of Woman FIDE Master one day.”
- સુરતની માતા-પુત્રી મહારૂખ ચિચગર અને મહાઝરીન વરિયાવાનું દુર્લભ અરંગેત્રમ - 18 January2025
- પવિત્ર શેહરેવર મહિનાની ઉજવણી - 18 January2025
- બસ્તર ગામમાં પેસ્તનજી ખરાસનુંસન્માન કરતું સ્મારક - 18 January2025