Dear Readers, thank you for the overwhelming number of entries sent in. It has been a fun and hilarious few weeks pouring through all the entries – with Valentine-love dedicated to not just beautiful relationships but even the quirkiest of things – right from the ‘Parsi Poro’ and ‘Dhansak’ to a guitar and the Sun! Congratulations to all for such an amazing display of talent!
My Life’s Love Is Laced With Butter On The Stove
Oh, maaro vaalo ‘Eeda no Poro’,
After eating you, maaro wajan wadhej, ‘thoro-thoro’,
Sunday mornings without you, there’s no shine in breakfast,
My love for you over the years has been so steadfast,
Khali pete khav toh ‘aangla chaat so’,
Ne maakhan nakso toh ’banso tamhe fatso’,
The green chillies and red massala add to the ‘flavours and taste’.
After a sumptuous three egg Poro, no work can be done in haste.
My life is incomplete without my masala omelette,
Even if I have to go immediately thereafter to offload in the toilet!
Toh ‘jamva chaloji’ and ‘Happy Valentine’
Show me one Bawaji who is complete without his ‘eggs and his Wine’!!
Parizad Sirwalla
Val Day Offer From A Charming Bawaji!
Valentine day is coming, there’s love in the air,
I want to romance a lady who is pretty and fair!
She must be charming but with a heart of gold.
It doesn’t matter if she is young or old!
It could be a Jerroo, Yasmin, Ava, Ferzin or Hutoxi,
Even a Behroze, Tenaz or Thrity, anyone is fine for me!
If there is someone who wants to volunteer,
Just give me a call, without any fear!
I’ll take you on a date and give you my heart,
A romantic journey together we’ll start!
So my dear ladies, please hurry as time is ticking fast,
Just call me at the soonest – as my offer won’t last!
My dear Valentines – there’s just one thing more I want to say,
My offer is valid only for Valentine’s Day!
Mhelly Bhumgara
Dadar Ahura Mazda Is My Valentine!
Dadar Ahura Mazda is my Valentine;
I talk to Him each day.
He never, never leaves me;
And always listens when I pray.
Yes He is my Valentine;
There is no love like His.
He is the heart of all that is;
For Him I breathe and live.
He’s a Valentine that never lies;
Never hurts or breaks.
He always has forgiven me;
For all of my mistakes.
If you know my Valentine;
You would love Him too.
For His love is always perfect;
His love is always true.
So if your heart is longing;
For a love that never ends.
For someone that is faithful;
You know you can depend.
Call upon my Valentine;
He’ll wash away your sin.
He will be your Valentine;
And your dearest, dearest friend!
My Lord rules my heart!
Farzana Mistry
‘Paws’ For Some Love!
“Will you be my Valentine,
Dearest clumsy mum of mine?”
Woofed my wise dawggie to me,
On a sunny day by the cool blue sea;
Paint your love with a shade of pink,
Cake icing, ice cream or even ink;
Walk with a jaunty spring in your step,
A warm kiss planted on a spring morn,
That is a way that true love is born,
On a lovely breezy spring day, yep!
Replied I, “You do not have to ask,
For it is in your canine luv that I bask!!!”
Pervyyn R Kavarana
હાથમાં હાથ પરોવીને ચાલવામાં છે મજાજી
પાંસઠ વરસની ડોસી ને બોત્તેર વરસના ડોસાજી,
હાથમાં હાથ પરોવીને ધીમે ધીમે ચાલ્યાજી,
સામેથી બે મિત્રો આવ્યા જોઈને હસવા લાગ્યાજી,
હજી તમને છે વસંતના કેફ, હાથમાં હાથ પરોવ્યા જી?
છેતાલીસ વસંત વીતી ગઈ, વસંતના કેફ તાજાજી,
કાયા છે ને દુર્બળ તોયે મન અમારા સાજાજી,
યૌવન રહી ગયું પાછળ કયાંય કેફ ચડી અમને રાજાજી,
જોબનના સંભારણા તણી યાદ હજી છે તાજીજી,
ટાંટિયા અમારા ઘેરિયા રમે પડીયે તો થાય સજાજી,
હાથમાં હાથ પરોવીને ચાલવામાં છે મજાજી.
આબાન પરવેઝ તુરેલ
Other Entries:
Bawi In Search On Val-Day!
To my to-be husband – in hiding,
Not sure which horse you are currently riding.
I have lot of love to give and my heart to bear,
Waiting for you to enter – to shower love and care.
Every Valentine Day seems like
Cupid is busy striking elsewhere,
While I am waiting for my turn
to get on his hit list there.
This V’Day perhaps Cupid will read this in PT
and get on duty with finesse,
Will strike his arrow to find a bawa
for this bawi in distress!
Happy Valentine’s Day to the one I am yet to find,
Hope I cross your path and hover in your mind!
Fiona Rohinton Wadia
Maru “Mailu” Mari Wife
School ni chokri ne kiidho pyaar,
chupai chupai ne malta hata amhe yaar
College ma javano aayo time,
Tare amari love story chalwa lagi ekdum fine
Colony ma malum pari vaat,
Ne lafda ni thai gai sharuvaat
Pyaar ma amhe hata ganda,
Ne panvana kidhela vadha
Lagan ni chalu kidhi vaat,
Ne mari darling e apyo maro saath,
Ave amhe chhaiyye husband and wife,
Ne enjoy karyech amari life!
Firoz Batliwalla
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