The Parsi Zarthosti Anjuman Daremeher, situated in the Saronda village (between Sanjan and Nargol) celebrated its 110th Salgreh, on 6th May 2018, with a Jasan performed by Er. Keki Panthaki, Er. Porus Panthaki, Er. Yezdi Panthaki, Er. Zubin Panthaki and Er. Hoshang Govadia. It was attended by two hundred devotees as well as President of Saronda Parsi Jarthosti Anjuman, Dinshaw Patel, Vice-President and Trustee, Yezdi Panthaki, Managing Trustee and Secretary, Aspi Pastakia, and Trustees, Rustom Palsetia, Er. Jamshed Panthaki, Kaikhushroo Tavakkuli and Jehangir Karanjia. The function proceeded with a Humbandagi, followed by a short address by the Trustee appealing to the community to help protect this grand, century-old sacred fire which has currently burning in a 112-year-old building. Chasni consisting of mango and malido was distributed amongst all present, followed by a gambhar catered by Soonoo Kasad of Navsari.
- વિશ્ર્વની નવ સૌથી વધુ જીનેટિકલી આઇસોલેટેડમાનવ વસ્તીમાં પારસીઓ - 4 January2025
- લહેરો પર સવારી કરતા ખુરશીદ મિસ્ત્રી! - 4 January2025
- સીએનએમએસ ટાટાનું સન્માન કરતી સ્મારક પોસ્ટલ સ્ટેમ્પ બહાર પાડે છે – તેમના વારસાના દસ્તાવેજીકરણ માટે યુવાન લેખકો માટે રતન ટાટા શિષ્યવૃત્તિની પણ જાહેરાત કરી – - 4 January2025