January (Lucky Number – 3; Lucky Tarot Card – Empress): Focus on things that need to be done. Happiness, success and peace is what comes your way in the near future. Justice is on the cards. Legal matters will get sorted out soon. Your self – confidence is the key to success.
February (Lucky Number – 17; Lucky Tarot Card – Star): Hard work is the key to your success. Financial support will come to you this month. A worrisome situation will balance itself out and get sorted on its own. You are blessed by divine energy. Students need to study well.
March (Lucky Number – 19; Lucky Tarot Card – Sun): Gratitude is a must for overall growth, so learn to be thankful for what you have. Health will be great. It’s time for celebration and parties! You would be considering purchasing new property or renovating the old one.
April (Lucky Number – 1; Lucky Tarot Card – Magician): Learn to appreciate your blessings. You need to pay attention to your health. Finances will be stable. You are advised to bathe with rock salt to protect your energies.
May (Lucky Number – 6; Lucky Tarot Card – Lovers): It’s time for you to enjoy the rainbow of happiness, success, victory and satisfaction! Celebrate quality time with your family. Clear your confusions. Remember the law of karma, as you sow, so shall you reap.
June (Lucky Number – 8; Lucky Tarot Card – Strength): Sunrise brings light and happiness, so you can expect a nice, bright sunny month ahead. Your pending work will get done. Don’t run away from your responsibilities. Learn to stand up for your rights.
July (Lucky Number – 10; Lucky Tarot Card – Wheel of Fortune ): Even if reluctantly, you need to learn to adapt to situations because nothing but change is permanent. Accept change gracefully and move on. Your health will be good. A busy week ahead for you, and a good month overall.
August (Lucky Number – 5; Lucky Tarot Card – Heirophant ): Daily prayers cleanse the soul so pray with good meditation and focus. Finances will be stable. You are empowered by the universe, and are blessed by your Guru. A little juggling may be required to balance a situation.
September (Lucky Number – 2; Lucky Tarot Card – High Priestess): Your strength is your power. This is the learning and teaching phase of the life. Your confidence can make you conquer the world, so stay confident.
October (Lucky Number – 4; Lucky Tarot Card – Emperor ): Hurry always brings worry. Don’t be in a perpetual rush! You know your destiny, but are seeking your path. Slow down and think afresh. Take the time to reflect. Emotional support is available. There could be temporary problem of cash liquidity.
November (Lucky Number – 11; Lucky Tarot Card – Justice ): A good laughter and good sleep is the best way to do away with that sense of irritation that you’ve been feeling. Your health too is calling for good sleep, and you need to pay attention to your health. Try to think positive. Don’t worry too much. Travel is indicated.
December (Lucky Number – 21; Lucky Tarot Card – World): Learn to cultivate greater sense of self – belief. You know inside that everything that glitters is not gold, so you need to step out of your illusions. Be practical and move on. No one can hold you back in confrontational situations. Travel and shift in property is indicated.
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 March2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 February2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 4 January2025