The most talked about muscle in the abdominal group is the Rectus Abdominis, popularly known as the six-pack abs. Such is the interest in this strap like muscle that various contraptions are available in the market that promise chiseled and sculpted washboard abs! The Rectus Abdominis is unique; in that it can be worked out in 2 different ways; by either bringing the chest towards the pelvis (as with crunches) or by bringing the pelvis towards the chest (as with reverse crunches).
A widespread and persistent myth is that the lower portion of the Rectus Abdominis can be isolated by doing leg raises. Leg raises do use the abdominals but largely as a stabilizer. The leg raise works a set of muscles known as the hip flexors. Several leg raises done continuously in the set generates a burning sensation in the abdominals giving an illusion of hard work done.
Since the Rectus Abdominis is a muscle that runs the length of the torso from the pelvis (origin) to the ribcage (insertion), it isn’t possible to isolate parts of the muscle through exercise. Whether we work the abdominals from the upper end or the lower end, the muscle contracts in its entirety.
Why do the reverse crunch? Is there some advantage to doing this seemingly non-functional movement? Well, the forward crunch uses the weight of the torso as a source of resistance and the reverse crunch uses the weight of the lower body as a source of resistance to the Rectus Abdominis. Hence the reverse crunch will effectively provide more resistance to the Rectus Abdominis than the forward crunch.
Here are the steps to execute a perfect reverse crunch:
- Lie down on the floor, your legs vertical, knees together with ankles crossed.
- Your legs are at right angle to your body.
- Place your hands behind your head for support.
- Elbows are close and arms parallel to each other, eye gaze is towards the naval.
- Lift your shoulders off the floor and inhale.
- Contract the abs to curl the hips in and exhale. The pelvic region must roll up toward the ribcage.
- Inhale as you return to starting position, maintaining legs at right angle to the body.
10-15 reverse crunches repeated continuously make a set. Work your abs with the reverse crunches twice a week for 2 sets.
Lata Rajan
Senior Faculty (Exercise Science)
K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences
Fitness Icon Kaizzad Capadia
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