Who Will Pay The Arrears?
The PLIH, once buzzing with life and activity is in ghostly silence and in a dilapidated state, not having any utility nor generating income since over last thirty years. Earlier in 2015, the PLIH managing committee, after five years of negotiations, had finalized a deal with Krimsons to establish a first of its kind, world class centre of excellence in orthopedic and neurosurgery dealing with diseases of spine and joints. The defunct dilapidated structure of the PLIG was to be restructured at their cost. Besides a steady annual income of about a crore to the trust, 10% of the capacity was reserved for community patients. Like the JJ Hospital and the Tata Memorial, it was to be a landmark gift from the Parsi community to the city of Mumbai.
Eminent doctors like Dr. Soonawala and others, and Mr. Sam Jijina, a partner of Mulla and Mulla men of honor and dignity finalized the deal. Advance money was paid, permission from the Charity Commissioner was granted, all the legal cost was reimbursed by the buyers. Then suddenly, Dinshaw Mehta decided to put the spokes in the wheel and sought to get the deal cancelled citing that better and more lucrative deals were available. Frustrated with the long delays, hostility and bickering, Krimsons backed out cancelling the deal. Since then, from 2015, the community is waiting for Mehta’s lucrative deal to be fulfilled.
For more than three decades, most of the time in his chairmanship, the hospital is defunct not having utility nor generating any income. Now it is a greater liability of the present trustees to shell out over three and a half crores as property lease rent, otherwise the property goes out of our hands. Trustee Dadrawala raises the question, “who will pay the arrears”? As an Ex-trustee for over twenty years, Mehta not only neglected his duty, but he was instrumental in canceling a lucrative deal, he should take the responsibility to act in a way to solve the problem. He may negotiate another deal or beg with Krimsons to reconsider the old plan if available, or arrange to pay the arrears. He has the money and muscle power. A shrewd and clever person like him should use his wits and find a solution. In the present state, it is most unlikely to find buyers or customers to hire this dilapidated structure. If not legal, it is his moral duty to resolve the matter. The primary duty of a trustee is to protect the funds and estates and to generate income for the trust. A little good work that they may do, comes to nothing if overpowered by bigger blunders committed.
Piroja Homi Jokhi
Chhaiye Hame Jarthosti?
It is said that one cannot meditate on an empty stomach. The best way to gather humdins in a large number at the beck of a call is through their palate! On perusing religious announcements, it is observed that majority of them conclude with ‘Refreshments will be served thereafter’. Can we not attend Jashans and religious discourses without the inducement of free food? Obviously humdins partaking Chasni and refreshments exceed those attending the Jashan! One of the contests run during a festival at a famous colony requires the participants to devour maximum food in minimum specified time. Do we really need to promote this image of ‘Khadra Parsis’?
M Panthaky
Ghee Too Costly?
Team Pureganic sincerely appreciates the awareness created amongst readers on Pureganic Products through Parsi Times, which has generated a comprehensive and positive response, especially the coverage of Bilona Pure Desi A2 Cow Ghee on 20.7.19, after which many readers got in touch & booked their orders. The users have appreciated the product. One common question came from readers was, Why is Bilona Ghee costly? Pureganic Team would like to share the explanation:
It takes more than 30 litres of milk to produce 1 Kg ghee. Most farmers use steroid/hormone injections to increase milk production. If one has indigenous production with local cows, who are not fed steroids, production per cow is low as compared to Jersey or Holestein cows. Also, the process of fermenting, churning, heating takes extra efforts, is time consuming and very costly. Most dairies directly churn milk cream and skip the process of fermentation, churning and heating for cost cutting and mass production. Ghee so produced doesn’t exactly fit the description of making it traditionally, as mentioned in the Veda. Also, milk/cream collected by dairies on such a large scale cannot be guaranteed to be free of steroids or specifically A2. Hence, Bilona cow ghee may sound costlier but turns out cheaper in the long run, as it promotes good health. Ultimately for all for us, Health is Wealth!
Pureganic Products