On January 15, 2020, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), India’s most preferred insurer, inaugurated its state-of-the-art Customer Zone and Satellite Office, at the Telephone Exchange Building, Bandra Kurla Complex – Mumbai’s key locality, by the hands of MD Vipin Anand, in the presence of C Vikas Rao – Zonal Manager (Western Zone) and other officials. The prime location provides ease of access, great ambience, comfort and totally networked Offices for all round superior customer experience
LIC has always made active efforts to come closer to the customers. Opening of Customer Zone and Satellite Offices in BKC will help LIC customers pay their premiums and get the required servicing, closer to their work-place; as well as help millennials get good advice on taking Life Insurance Policies. A total of 43 Satellite Offices have been opened by Western Zone in the past 21 months, especially in IT hubs and Business centres, in order to bring services closer to the doorsteps of customers especially Millennials as per the declared objective of LIC. BKC is home to several corporate offices and the prestigious Diamond Bourse. The area employs over 4 lakh persons.
- સુરતની માતા-પુત્રી મહારૂખ ચિચગર અને મહાઝરીન વરિયાવાનું દુર્લભ અરંગેત્રમ - 18 January2025
- પવિત્ર શેહરેવર મહિનાની ઉજવણી - 18 January2025
- બસ્તર ગામમાં પેસ્તનજી ખરાસનુંસન્માન કરતું સ્મારક - 18 January2025