Bravo BPP!
Dear Readers,
On the 24th of March, 2020, PM Narendra Modi announced the world’s largest lockdown, asking 1.3 billion Indians to stay home for twenty-one days, to contain the deadly COVID-19, bringing our populous nation to a grinding halt. This came with its own set of overwhelming challenges, which we accepted, for the largest cause – our very survival.
The lockdown has highlighted the plight of our community’s most vulnerable members – the seniors and the impoverished. Numerous seniors, especially those living alone, were rendered helpless with both their main means of daily sustenance – namely food-tiffins and domestic help – being abruptly cut off. Also, the lockdown-generated panic had people hoarding all essential items, with most stores laying bare of supplies – leading to massive price-escalation of these items, making it unaffordable for the poor.
Coming to the timely support of the Community, on 29th March, the Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet installed a Direct Help Line, catering to the various needs – including grocery, food, medical assistance/supplies and emergency services – of community members. Providing much succour, this Help Line plays the crucial role of a centralized, common platform connecting those in need, with those who can help, in a systematic and coordinated manner. (Pg. 10)
But sustaining this calls for community effort – the BPP has paved the path for us. It is now up to us to help sustain this platform by offering our services as volunteers and professionals; and by donating generously towards the sustenance of this vital venture, which will hold the community in good stead, till the lockdown is lifted.
Though it’s been heartening to see numeorus community members rise to the occasion, we need more to step up. It is said, the greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. Kudos to the BPP for setting the perfect precedent. Within just a few days, we have received messages and e-mails from community members expressing gratitude for the timely and crucial help received via this excellent initiative.
Today, as we go head to head against the unknown monster that is this fatal pandemic, let us resolve to get through this challenge, united in service and solidarity, with the BPP, which has come through for the community in its greatest and most challenging time of need.
Have a good weekend! Stay in, stay safe!
– Anahita
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