Thou hast planted the seed of love in human heart. It is the strongest passion of his soul. It is dearer than all that he holds dear in this world. Everything is empty, when the heart is empty. Unhappy is the heart that has not Thy love to cling to. It is lonely. It is wretched despite the glitter of gold dazzling the eyes. Let my heart be aflame with my love for Thee. Strengthened by my love for Thee, my soul rises to Thee.
All love is lovely for it flows from Thee that art the fountain of love. Thou hast lit a flame of love for Thee within my heart. As the fire upon the altar burns the sandalwood, so let the fire burning within me consume my heart with my love for Thee. I will love Thee when I am favored of fortune. I will love Thee the more ardently, when fortune fails me. I will love Thee. I will love Thy name. I will love Thy works. I will let my love for Thee well up within my heart, that I may be immersed in it.
With more tender and gentle love Thou dost rear me than the fond mother that nurses her child on her knee. Thou art the Lord whose love for Thy children knows no bounds. Nothing have I to fear when safe I am in Thy loving arms. Unfathomable is the depth of Thy love for me. Verily, it is undying. Thy sublime love for me transforms my life into pure gold. When the waters of Thy love flood my heart and fill it and bathe my soul, fully, then, do I share Thy love.
The love lies at the core of my being. Thou dost manifest Thyself in me as love. Thy loving eyes shine and beam on me. When I have Thy love for me, I am Thine own beloved, I need no more from Thee. Thou dost love me and I will give Thee back my love. I will make my love for Thee the image of Thy love for me, Ahura Mazda!
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