My life is a great trust thou hast committed to me. Help me to discharge it aright. Help me to shoulder the heavy burden of life’s responsibilities. Thy helping arm is my only stay, when life’s difficulties loom large around me. When I sail over life’s stormy sea, I am safe only when thou art at the helm to steer the ship.
When life’s trials and tribulations surge around me, when sad news breaks my spirit, when misfortunes drive me to despair, when the depression of spirit steals on me, when heavy and desolate grows my heart, when dark is the cloud of depression on my soul, my courage flags and fails me and weak and weary and wavering I become. When I grope in the darkness, look where I may, I find none who can rescue me from my overwhelming difficulties.
As the hungry heart clamors for food and the parched lips thirst for water, so does my soul look eagerly to Thee for help, for nothing than Thy own help can deliver me out of difficulties. Thou art my final hold, when I have nothing to hold in my unbearable trouble. Hearken unto the cry of my soul and be my help.
Into Thy hands I put myself, for Thou dost stretch out thy hands and help all who beseech Thee for help. Braver becomes the spirit of the brave, when Thy protecting wings cover him. Spread, then, Thy sheltering wings over me for protection, my kindly savior!
Strong and powerful have I become, since I have been in league with Thee and Thou dost guard and guide me with ever watchful care, Ahura Mazda!
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