January (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Card: Sun): You will find success and victory in all the things you do this month. Don’t get confused – stay grounded and rational. You will receive divine blessings.
February (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): Keep in mind that everything that glitters is not gold. Be careful in taking decisions. There will be automatic balance in situations. Finances will do well during this month.
March (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Card: Lovers): It’s time for you to clear those mental confusions. Sudden travel is on the cards. Love is in the air. Emotionally you will feel secure and content.
April (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Justice): Life is beautiful. Take the world in your stride. Be happy with what you have instead of complaining about what is missing. Overall, this will be a happy month for people born in April.
May (Lucky No. 10; Lucky Card: Wheel Of Fortune): Change is a permanent aspect of life, learn to accept the changes in yours. Move ahead in life. Forget about those little heart burns as they are holding you back. Financially, this is a good month for women born in May.
June (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: World): You need to make the will and get over confrontational situations. Accept and act like who you are – elegant, smart and intelligent. Learn to shoulder your responsibility, instead of running away from it.
July (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Card: Hierophant): Pray to almighty and He will show you the path to your destination. You could find yourself in the center of a great paradox in your life. Remember, your emotions tell you your truth, but cannot be trusted. Stabilize your emotions by wearing pearl or silver.
August (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Card: Magician): Learn to balance the situation. All days will not be the same. Remember that the end is compulsory for a fresh new beginning. Don’t overstretch yourself.
September (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Card: Strength): Health is wealth and you need good and sound sleep as that is the key to your good health. Avoid getting lost in those unnecessary, negative thoughts at night. Don’t feel neglected – this is just your mind playing games with you.
October (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Card: High Priestess): Come out of your self -imposed mental isolation. Enjoy life, take care of your health. Open up your heart with an experienced person, and you will receive clarity of thought.
November (Lucky No. 3; Lucky Card: Empress): Follow your intuition. A healthy month ahead indicated for you. Travel is also on the cards. You could end up changing residence or your office premise this month.
December (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): You are aware of your destiny, but are in search of the path. Slow down, be practical and then move ahead. Ultimately, only you are responsible for your success – remember that!
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 March2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 February2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 4 January2025