For any welfare institution to survive and function at optimal efficiency and effectiveness, it is very essential that succession planning of Trustees has to be planned well in advance, keeping paramount in mind the interest of the institution and those they serve.
The value of leadership is measured by the succession planned. There can be no fast track in succession planning. There can be no haste, one step has to be taken at a time, for that which grows fast, withers as rapidly, whereas that which grows slowly, endures.
The WZO Trusts (The World Zoroastrian Organisation Trust, The WZO Trust for Women & Children, The WZO Trust Funds) have, after a sixteen-year-long process, finally completed its succession planning, with the recent inductions of the following to the list of Trustees, who will take the Trusts upwards and onwards into the future:
- Homiyar F K Madan (eminent Chartered Accountant, experienced in Trust Management and very interested in serving community and humanity); and
- Freyaz K. Shroff (Bachelors of Sociology and MBA. in Corporate America spanning across the finance, marketing, operations and strategy sectors, already very much involved in welfare activities and now settled in India)
Earlier appointments include, in 2007:
- Farzana D. Mojgani (Solicitor) was appointed in 2007;
And in 2018, post internship, spread across over a decade:
- Aspi B. Ambapardiwala (Teacher),
- Cyrus D. Vandriwala (Teacher) and
- Rohinton J. Contractor (Entrepreneur – Distributor of Pharmaceutical products)
When the first of our three Trusts was established in 1991, the core team comprised only late Firoj M. Panthaki, Dinshaw K. Tamboly, Farrokh M. Kasad and Bachi D. Tamboly. Over the years, what was planted as an acorn has grown into an Oak. Credibility with donors worldwide was established through dint of hard work, being accountable, remaining transparent and treating donors and beneficiaries – both with the same respect.
The final list of Trustees steering the three WZO Trusts now comprises:
Mumbai-Based Team:
Dinshaw K. Tamboly
Bachi D. Tamboly
Farzana D. Mojgani
Homiyar F. K. Madan
Freyaz K. Shroff
Navsari-Based Team:
Farrokh M. Kasad
Aspi B. Ambapardiwala
Cyrus D. Vandriwala
Rohinton J. Contractor
Trustees are supported by a sound and efficient Administration Team comprising:
Yazdi K. Randelia,
Cyrus H. Vankadia,
Hoshadar M. Parakh,
Keshmira B. Badhni
Sharmin S. Tamboly
In addition, we have created an effective Pan-India presence through dedicated ‘Resource Persons’ located at various centres who carry out due diligence of requests received for support.
Whilst the old guard (comprising Farrokh M. Kasad, Bachi D. Tamboly and Dinshaw K. Tamboly) will continue to provide guidance to their colleagues for a few more years, the transition of the new guard shouldering responsibility has commenced.
Our past has given us experience and made us wiser which has enabled us to select a good Team that will plan and work towards creating a brighter future for our Trusts and our community.
The WZO Trusts Team will in the present and future continue to remain totally committed, devoting all their skills, energies and determination to welfare activities, confident that donors worldwide will continue to extend them support.
- કેવો સુંદર જવાબ! - 29 March2025
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