My name is Kaikhushru Irani. By profession I am an Advocate. I am from Contractor Baug, Mahim. I am married to a Non-Parsi and I reside with my non-Parsi wife and two children. I don’t believe in hiding anything from my community members. Be transparent.
I am offering my candidature as a Trustee for the forthcoming Elections of the BPP to be held in March 2021. People who know me know me as a person who calls a spade a spade. I don’t believe in sugar coating and directly speak from the heart.
You will find too many candidates making false manifestos and fake promises. Once they are elected, they forget all they have promised in their manifesto to the community that voted them to power.
This time too there are candidates who are again fooling the community with their fake manifestos, with the exception of Anaihita Yazdi Desai.
These candidates will promise you the moon but ask them how you plan to go to the moon and they will have no answers. Such candidates come to Baugs for canvassing and talk about what they will do once elected. Please ask these candidates as to how will they achieve what they have promised in their manifesto? You will realise that they have no clue nor a solution to your problems. What they do is merely pick up burning issues facing the community and are fooling you by assuring you solutions. Trust me. Don’t be fooled. This time, ask the candidates point-wise how they plan to fulfil their promises mentioned in the manifesto.
With folded hands I submit that Community members will not find me canvassing in colonies with fake promises nor I am not promising any tenancy or make any fake promises that I can’t keep but I can assure you that I will be the community’s voice in the Boardroom, especially with the RESERVATIONS for our micro minor community.
Take it from me – I will not let my community down. Trust me when I say this. I have come up the hard way and know the sufferings of my community members. With blessings from my community members, if I win, I will help the community and give my time for the community. I can assure that I will not let a single housing allotment takes place out of turn. Will fight tooth and nail but not let my community down. This is my commitment. First priority is the merit list rating, no out-of-turn allotments to anyone known to Trustees.
Do not vote for a candidate just because you know the candidate or you have been instructed to vote for a particular candidate or you have been influenced to vote a particular candidate.
In this elections, my humble request to all voters is to see the candidate’s track record and vote. Don’t vote on the basis of fake manifestos or vote on the basis of who supports the candidate or who endorses the candidate . We have seen in the past that all such candidates who have reached the boardroom because of the backing from GODFATHER have flopped miserably. Don’t go by big names – they neither have the time nor the inclination to help the community.
Vote with a conscience and keep the candidates track record in mind while voting. I repeat once again to not be influenced by these big colourful manifestos. Till date, if we study the manifestos of some of the present Trustees and see for yourself if they have fulfilled their promises. I neither have sponsors to print these fake brochures nor can I afford to print such colourful fake manifestos.
Remember, when selecting a Trustee, the most important qualities of a trustee are honesty, stability, dependability, and ability to devote time and energy on an impartial basis for the benefit of all Beneficiaries. The Trustee is the most pivotal and critical part of any Trust.
The duty of a Trustee is:
* To act honestly and in good faith;
* To act with due care, skill and diligence in relation to the best interests of beneficiaries;
* To avoid conflicts of interests; and
* To NOT profit from the trust (very important).
A trustee is a person who holds and administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party and not for her / himself. BPP is not an estate agency where houses are sold to highest bidders while the poor wait outside BPP offices for hours, waiting to be called their turn while people with deep pockets simply walk in to the Board room and get their work done.
A Trustee is a caretaker, a Manager and not the owner of a Trust. Trustees can also be removed if there is a conflict of interest or undue influence has occurred resulting in loss to the Trust.
I am neither famous nor a pseudo-intellectual nor have supporters promoting me side by side. I am simply a common man trying to be and will act as your voice and make a difference to the best of my ability.
I hope and pray this time the Donors / voters will elect the right candidate and not vote for a fake candidate with a big list of fake manifestos.
Lastly, I will step down when the term of Trusteeship expires.
– Kaikhushru Irani
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