We at Parsi Times are humbled and overwhelmed at the overwhelming pouring in of love in the form of entries from our valued readers!! Thank you all who participated – your warm words of appreciation and love for Parsi Times is what makes the journey and the efforts worth it all the more! Congratulations to our Top 10 Winners!! Winners are requested to email us at editor@parsi-times.com to claim your prize.
By Malcolm Irani
I am twelve and you are ten
It’s such a blessing to have you as my faithful friend.
You are so vibrant and colourful
That you make my Saturdays sunny & cheerful.
You give me news on our community
And that gives me a good reading opportunity.
Your column ‘Techno with Tantra’
Helps me improve my software skills, like a jadui mantra.
When I see the picture requiring a caption
It sets me back in action.
I wish you remain my friend and companion for lifetime!
By Ruby Daruwalla
Heartfelt congratulations to Parsi Times for completing 10 glorious years, and for UNDOUBTEDLY being the NUMBER ONE PARSI PUBLICATION! ‘Tum Jiyo Hazaro Sal’ are the wishes coming from the heart of every Parsi!
Each edition of PT brings about delight in the hearts of BAWAJIS ACROSS THE GLOBE with topics from Religious Discourses, to Food Delicacies, Achievements of Parsis Worldwide, and not to forget Meherbai’s Mandli which brings laughter in the hearts of all our Bawaji readers! Last but not the least is the summing up of all relevant matters in ‘From the Editors Desk’ by our very own Anahita!
With an array of Contests just like this, my grey cells remain active, even as I am nearing 80!!
Each Saturday becomes special for each and every Parsi with PT – no wonder I will stand waiting at my doorstep anxiously, for the next edition!!
By Roshan Dastoor
T’was early 2011 – that a tabloid was born just then,
Ten-ta-daaaaan, lo and behold! Today, it stands tall at ten!
Christened ‘Parsi Times’, a tabloid with different hues,
Giving quality weekend news, driving away the weekday blues!
Printed in English and ‘aapru’ Gujarati, to all age groups it caters,
With a treasure trove of information – ‘tis the father of all newspapers!
It imbibes religious fervour, keeps us abreast of community news,
With a fearless and candid attitude, it raises the right ‘issues’;
Religion, travel, finance, entertainment, Persian history to the core,
Horoscope, health, sports, Techknow with Tantra, a recipe and more!
Little wonder then, though Parsi Times has been here for a decade,
The tabloid is still as fresh as ever, the content has not decayed;
Why it just ain’t a weekend without my PT, this is my story –
Dear PT, may you grow by leaps and bounds, I wish you eternal glory!
By Shiraz Kapadia
My weekend evenings are the best
‘Coz it’s time for my leisurely rest.
No frantic hustle bustle of the day
As I get to spend them my way.
With my favourite weekly – PT in my hand
Every page filled with fun, I avidly scan.
The inspirational excerpts of positive vibes do impart
Knowledge of our religion, bringing it closer to the heart.
The “Bawa Word Search” for, I then reach
As with my pen I diligently seek
Those hidden words in the maze of letters
Hey, every week it seems to get better!
Next I eagerly scroll down to Spellathon
Though sometimes framing that elusive word seems like a marathon!
The articles written in a lighter vein
Are great to read and with information we do gain.
All in all Why It Just Ain’t a Weekend
Without reading my PT from beginning to end.
You can’t deny it – PT is the best
The confirmed favourite – from all the rest!
By Jennifer Jagose
Just as much as following every move, every occasion of the Royal family, aka ‘Aapri Rani’ is tradition for my family, so is it customary in our home to religiously read Parsi Times every weekend, and ask each other other – ‘Aaj nu Parsi Times ka chhe?’
PT completes 10 years and suddenly I feel super old. Having grown up reading PT articles, I can proudly say PT truly has something in store for everyone. Whether it’s religious articles for me, news from all over for my parents, to crosswords for my grandparents and the all-time favourite ‘Caption This’ for my sister.
‘Eat, Sleep, Repeat’ – sums up the weekend for any person but not for a Parsi family. In ourhousehold it goes a bit like this – ‘Wake up, read PT with garam Chai and bunmaska, eat Dhansak, Sleep, Wait for the next weekend to repeat!’ because it ain’t no weekend without my PT!
By Meher Parvez Sutaria
Our undeniably, most wonderful Parsi Times has grown.. and how! Ten years of crisp, interesting and trendy articles from cover to cover! PT is a comprehensive publication which caters to the needs of one and all. PT keeps me waiting impatiently for the next Saturday!
While every feature published is interesting and delightful, selecting the Top 3 Favourite PT Features has put me in a quandary. So here goes…….. My first favourite is indisputably Cyrus ‘The (Not So) Great’ Broacha. His brand of humour is rib-tickling, as he pokes fun at the Bawas. His zany art of writing about Parsi eccentricities, makes us all double up with laughter! Then there’s Apri Ruby Lilaowala who doesn’t fail to entertain her readers with the atrocious Bawa gimmicks projected via Meherbai’s Mandli. It’s beyond compare and leaves me in splits. Her other articles are solemn and wise as she deftly connects with a depressed soul with her sound advice. Daisy Navdar shares with us the wonderful teachings of our great Zoroastrian religion. Her sublime articles on our Manthravani, navigates us through this tumultuous journey of life and exhorts us to keep our faith alive and live our lives according to the tenets of Zoroastrianism.
By Gulshan D Morawala
Come Saturday, I’m all agog
My mind is clear of all its fog;
You ask the reason for this wonderful clime?
Well, it’s the day of my favourite Parsi Times!
As soon as the newspapers are thrust in my door
I rush to check if my PT forms the core;
Then armed with my tea-cup and ‘poro-pao’
To enjoy my PT, I sit down.
The layout of each page, I know well.
What comes on the next, I often can tell,
The ‘Editorial’ and ‘Classifieds’
Each convey what they notify.
‘Community News’ upgrades us all
Of events in our community small;
‘PT Timeout’ is engrossing and fun
A brain-teaser that keeps our thoughts on the run.
All maijis love their Gujarati section
They go through it with interest and introspection
The ‘Janam Rashi’ is read with utmost care…
Will the stars, this time, be fair?
The recipes and obituary, one does go through
And ‘PT Feature’ brings articles all new,
‘PT Special’ gives nostalgic news
A topic for discussion and exchange of views.
So, on this 10th Happy Birthday of yours,
PT – I salute your Team, for without a pause,
Issue after issue of a COMPLETE NEWS PAPER they roll out,
Weekends are more enjoyable with PT, no doubt!
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