Your Time Starts NOW!
Dear Readers,
We usually settle into the New Year by the second month of the year. February is always interesting like that – it signals the slow fading of all that festive buzz and excitement we’ve been indulging in since last November – navjotes, lagans, Xmas and New Year parties, et al.
Some of us will find ourselves sheepishly chuckling, or worse, sulking, at those untouched resolutions that somehow just didn’t come to pass. “2023 is going to be my year!” we whispered confidently to ourselves, as we made those resolutions which would finally help us realise our potential and transform us into our better versions. But by mid-January, we seem to have abandoned these with nearly as much indifference, as the passion we wrote these out with! The good news is it’s not really too late to get started! As they say, the perfect time to start or restart anything is ‘NOW’!
To those disciplined and focused few who have been delivering upon the promises they made to themselves, I’d say Kudos! Keep going! The past few years have proven, without doubt, that self-care is one of the most crucial factors for survival and happiness. And this includes your health across all fronts – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial and intellectual.
We have much to live for. Taking care of ourselves will ensure that we get to live out our days happily and with the ability to help others. Many of us cite genuine excuses for not having enough time to care for ourselves as we are too busy taking care of all things else. They would unfortunately have to learn the hard way, that those who are unable to find the time for self-care, will, sooner or later, have to find the time for illness. Make the time! Your time starts now!!
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita
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