Industrialist, philanthropist and former Chairman of Tata Sons and Tata Group, Ratan Tata, recently shared a picture of him with a Tata Indica on social media, marking 25 years of its launch. Sharing a nostalgic message, he wrote, “25 years ago, the launching of the Tata Indica was the birth of India’s indigenous passenger car industry. It brings back fond memories and has a special place in my heart for me.”
Designed and developed in India, Indica managed to sell 1.5 lakh units in its first year of launch at the Auto Expo in 1998, as per reports. Tata Motors stopped production of the hatchback in 2018, twenty years after its launch.
“The path we chose was criticised by those who said such a task could not be undertaken by us. Having undertaken that, we now have a car that reflects the dedication and enthusiasm of the entire Telco team of young engineers,” Ratan Tata had said at the Indica launch, over two decades ago, on January 15, 1998.
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