Dr. Nitin Bhore ( M.Sc., Ph.d) is a new age progressive agriculturist and is involved in Mixed Farming activities since 1987, 35 years. He holds a Doctorate degree in Botany. His Ph.D. research
work is on Organic Farming. With his scientific, technical, and technologically sound knowledge he has planned and executed projects to produce pest & chemical residue free agricultural produce. His expertise includes Farming, Consultation, Project Planning, Development and Management of new and sick farms from 1 to 500 acres.
He professionally executes projects for various clients in the field of Agri Horticulture plantations, & Organic Farming for safe and healthy food to eat. He undertakes Farmhouse Projects which include beautification with multiple crop/fruit varieties. He specializes in Poly House/Shade net projects for vegetables & fruit cultivation. He also helps in executing design for Landscaping with selection of different plants & Irrigation systems. Through his Standardized scientific practices, he helps with commercial cultivation of best quality Indian and Exotic veggies, fruits, flowers, herbs, spices, and medicinal plantation as per market demands. Trikaya Agriculture, Nidivan Farm & Ani Farms to name a few.
Dr. Bhore conducts Institutional, Educational & Training programs to bring about Social Awareness for the generation of additional income, Employment & New Age Entrepreneurs in Smart Farming. He also voluntarily imparts his knowledge to Rural Communities to enhance their livelihood & improve their economic conditions.
He vigorously promotes Urban Farming by training individuals to utilize their balconies, terraces & produce fresh fruits and vegetables for personal consumption. He is a prominent personality at International Agriculture Trade Fairs & Exhibitions.
He has executed 135 projects around the country; few of his Parsi clients are Mr. Firdos Masani from Alibaug, Mr. Agga Parsi of PCMC Pune, B. Billomoria Builders of Pune, Mr. Zaheer Vakil of Bharucha & Motiwala Pune, Godrej Group of Companies & Tata Group in Jamshedpur & Mr. Dubash from Alibaug.
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt Ltd, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Finolex Industries, Trikaya Agriculture, Urvi Piramal Group, Symbiosis Institute, Ruia Stud Farms & MIT Institute are few of his satisfied and happy clients.
Dr.Bhore believes that Agriculture is the wisest pursuit, making a better world through healthy organic eating.
Plantations & Farming, if planned properly, can provide revenues for years together.
For Consultation & Expert Advice kindly Contact Dr. Nitin Bhore – Mobile: 9421913040 • Email – scorpio.berry@gmail.com Website – www.greenprojectsindia.org
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