Chomp And Cheers: Devils On Horse back and Singapore Sling

Devils On Horse Back


15-20 Prunes; 15-20 Whole Blanched Almonds; Extra Virgin Olive Oil; 12 rashers of Smoked Streaky Bacon; Salt and Pepper to taste.


Destone the prunes, and make a small incision in the middle. Season the almonds with salt and drizzle with oil, then stuff inside the prunes. Halve the rashers of bacon across the middle, then wrap each prune in a piece. Place the rolls on a lined baking tray, cover and chill. When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 190°C and remove the rolls from the fridge. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, or until bacon is crisp. Serve immediately with hummus or a cheesy sauce.

Singapore Sling



1/2 ounce Grenadine Syrup; 1 ounce Gin; Sweet and Sour Mix; Club Soda; 1/2 ounce Cherry Brandy.


Pour grenadine into the bottom of a Collins glass, and fill with ice. Add gin, and almost-fill with equal parts of sweet and sour and chilled soda. Top with cherry brandy, and serve unstirred, garnished with a cherry.

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