After almost a couple of college years of nurturing a crush, I decided to propose to my Rattie, on the then Valantine’s Day…. 48 years ago. I had started working and was earning a modest salary and this empowered me to propose. My dilemma was finding a place ‘far from the madding crowd’. Romeo, of […]
Author: Dara M Khodaiji
Parsis – The Sweetest Bunch!
When any festival – big or small – comes along, can a true-blue Bawaji ever be far behind? (With due apologies to Shakespeare – I have this this bad habit of distorting his little gems into my, what I consider, humour. But coming back, even at Parsi nuptials, as soon as the couple answers in the […]
Hep Grannies, Swingin’ Grandpas!’
The Daguerre type and other pioneering photographic equipment of the mid-19th centuries could not do justice to the portraits of our rigid, somber-faced grand and great-grand parents, mainly due to the subject’s restricted movements while facing the huge, cumbersome, cavernous cameras, with the cameramen hidden behind the apparatus, covered with a couple of yards of […]
Adarji Angrez!
During my long life, I’ve collected many friends with strange habits and weird outlooks… next level eccentrics! A fair number of them are plain, home-grown-garden variety of loonies, few atheists, a couple of agnostics, many religious fanatics, a handful of hypochondriacs, one narcissist, some faddists and, last but not the least, an Anglophile, better known within […]
V-Day – The D-Day!
It’s the most longed for day, it’s the most dreaded of days. It’s the day sans wisdom, a personification of foolishness, a day of great contradictions. The day of….. “Darabsha! Stop rambling and get to the point!” That’s Madam Editor, “Sorry Madam, tukku and pointed, eh! Right-o!” My apologies to Dickens too. Soon it will […]
Eighteen Going On Eighty!
What is 18… or, let’s say, what is 80! Almost the same! It’s just a matter of juggling a zero with one! I would like my Math teacher – Mr. K T, to see me now juggle these figures. I could hardly do addition, subtraction, very rarely multiplication and even more rarely, division. I am […]
Those Magnificent Marvels In Marble And Bronze – III
Parsi Times presents the concluding part of our popular series highlighting some of Mumbai’s prominent statues, by Dara Khodaiji Mumbai is adorned with some brilliant displays of statues of the British, Parsis and great Indians, at various locations. These speak of the history of our nation and our city… in stones, marbles and bronze. Continuing […]
Those Magnificent Marvels In Marble And Bronze – II
Parsi Times presents the second part of the interesting series on some of the prominent statues of Mumbai, by Dara Khodaiji Mumbai is adorned with some brilliant displays of statues of the British, Parsis and great Indians, at various locations. These speak of the history of our nation and our city… in stones, marbles and […]
Those Magnificent Marvels In Marble And Bronze – I
Parsi Times presents the first part of the interesting series on some of the prominent statues of Mumbai, by Dara Khodaiji Mumbai has some of the finest displays of statues of British, Parsis and great Indians at various locations, mostly in South Mumbai. These speak of the history of our nation and our city in […]
Happy Teacher’s Day!
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai Teaching is indeed the noblest profession of all and teachers are the guiding force in a child’s life, that shapes their destiny. Teaching not only imparts knowledge, but opens the young mind to infinite possibilities, […]
A Little Bit Of This, Just A Dash Of That And What Have We?! Navroz Mubarak!!!
As we near 21st March, Ratimai tends to get mushy. “Darab, remember how we said ‘Pasand-e Kardim’ (the Parsi equivalent of ‘I do’) forty-three years ago, just on the very happy day of Jamshedji Navroz? “Harrumph!” reacted Darabsha. “Why the ‘harrumphing’? There is nothing to be grumpy about! ’Tis the season of plenty! Plenty of […]