Frazan Adil Kotwal, from Pune, is a Dastur who has received global accolades for his talent as an Opera singer (baritone), at the young age of twenty-three! His extraordinary talent has been praised by top international opera critics as being in “possession of a fine voice, artistic sensitivity, ability to communicate in his music-making and personal […]
Author: PT Reporter
Congratulations To Our Navars And Martabs
Ervad Harvesp Dastur, son of Mahanaz and Dasturji Cyrus Noshirwan Dastur completed his Martab ceremony on Roj Ashishvangh, Mah Adar. The ceremony was performed at Seth Dadabhai Naoshirwanji Modi Atashbehram, Surat, under the guidance of Er. Faredoon Turel and assisted by Er. Harvesp Sanjana. Twelve year old, Ervad Shareez Sidhwa, son of Zubin and Dilnaz […]
Tarapore Anjuman Celebrates 196 Years
Established on 9th June, 1820, Tarapore Parsi Jarthosti Anjuman celebrated its 196th anniversary on 16th May, 2016 (Roj Ardibehest, Mah Dae). Jasan ceremony was performed by Er. Pallonji P. Dastoor, Er. Sohrab P. Dastoor, Er. Zarir M. Dastoor and Er. Jal F. Bhesadia. Humbandagi by priests and devotees was followed by a small speech by […]
Say No To Tobacco/Smoking
Every year nearly six million deaths are caused due to the use of tobacco – and of these, six lakh deaths are a result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke or passive smoking, that is, being exposed to the smoke exhaled from smokers in proximity. May 31st marks ‘World No Tobacco Day’ (WNTD), instituted by the […]
Wake Up Call?
Dear Community members, You are probably well aware that our community is heading straight towards extinction in India -according to demographic studies, our number will be down to 20,000 by 2050, if not earlier. So, if you wish to wake up from ‘Khavasni, Pivasni and Suvasni’ (good food, good drinks and good sleep), here’s two […]
Quiz: Are You Depressed?
Life is full of ups and downs. Most of us feel sad as a normal reaction to loss, life’s struggles or an injured self-esteem. But when feelings of intense sadness last for many days to weeks, and we are unable to go about our daily lives with the same ease as we used to, then […]
Have You Made Your Blessing Bag Yet?
The ‘Blessing Bag’ initiative by Xtremely Young Zoroastrians (XYZ) has picked up immense momentum in the past one week, thanks to the tremendous efforts put in by the motivated XYZ kids and support from Parsi Times. Thirty XYZ children have already made one hundred and fourteen ‘blessing bags’ and are all set to hand it […]
Icchapore Agiary Radiant With New Look
The 169 year old CP Powala Agiary located at Icchapore near Surat underwent renovation for its maintenance in 2015. The Trustees had put in an appeal in Parsi Times and the donations from our generous readers expedited the renovation successfully. 1st May, 2016 saw the newly renovated Agiary inaugurated with Jasan and humbandagi from 10am to 11 […]
Yurshaan Strikes Gold!
Fifteen year old Yurshaan J. Guard, won the gold medal and the championship trophy (Under 17 Category) in the Budukon Cup International Karate Championship in Dubai on 20th May, 2016. A total of 862 students participated in the event globally. Yurshaan has been training in Karate for six years now under the coaching of Fraz […]
Literate But Not Educated?
Why do small-minded, God-men, claiming to have lived in caves with invisible magavs, and self-styled scholars/priests with arbitrary blogs, do so well in our community? Why are they able to command such a large following? We can’t really blame it on lack of education or poverty, as large numbers of their supporters/followers are literate and […]
Good Going, Parsi Times!
Dear Editor, I’ve been an avid reader of the Parsi Times since its inception five years ago and would like to congratulate the PT team for the fab new look. Parsi Times is evolving for sure – in terms of both, looks as well as content – it has indeed shaped up very well. The […]