Become A ‘Smart Sipper’ This Festive Season!

The holiday season often in a whirlwind of celebrations, family gatherings, and social events. Alongside festive feasts, clinking glasses filled with various alcoholic beverages becomes a familiar sound, especially for the merry Parsi clan, famous for ‘Parsi pegs’! For those who need to constantly watch their carbohydrate intake for reasons like weight management, diabetes management, […]

The Sweet Shift: Diwali Sweets And The Rise Of Sugar-Free Alternatives

As Diwali approaches, homes across India begin to buzz with preparations for the Festival of Lights. Along with the glimmering diyas and colourful rangolis, another integral part of the celebration takes centre stage – sweets! From melt-in-the-mouth gulab jamuns to ghee-laden ladoos, sweets have long been the heart of Diwali. But in the last few […]

Hormones And Happiness

In our constant search for happiness, we often look to our achievements, relationships and possessions, forgetting about the fascinating processes within our bodies. At the core of our emotional well-being is a complex mix of hormones that greatly influence how we feel. These chemical messengers – Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins play key roles in […]

Power Of Colostrum: Tackle Inflammation, Nourish Your Gut!

Colostrum is the first form of breastmilk that is released by the mammary glands after giving birth. It is nutrient-dense and high in antibodies and antioxidants to build a new-born baby’s immune system. It changes to breast milk within two to four days after giving birth. Our bodies possess remarkable resilience. Despite colostrum’s modest production volume, […]