પ્રિય વાચકો, મને આપની સમક્ષ આપણો પારસી ટાઇમ્સ જમશેદી નવરોઝ વિશેષ અંક રજૂ કરતા આનંદ થાય છે, જે તમારા હૃદયને ઉત્સવની ઉલ્લાસથી ભરી દેવા માટે રચાયેલ છે. આપણા સમૃદ્ધ વારસા, જીવંત પરંપરાઓ અને આપણા સમુદાયની અતૂટ ભાવનાની ઉજવણી કરતા, અમને આશા છે કે આ આવૃત્તિ તમારા ચહેરા પર સ્મિત લાવશે અને આવનારા વર્ષ માટે તમને […]
Category: Editorial
Jamshedi Navroz Mubarak!
Dear Readers, I’m delighted to present to you our bumper Parsi Times Jamshedi Navroz Special issue, crafted to fill your heart with festive cheer. Celebrating our rich heritage, vibrant traditions and the unwavering spirit of our community, we hope this edition brings a smile to your face and fills you with renewed enthusiasm for the […]
Make Jamshedi Navroz More Special!
Dear Readers, Excitement is in the air as we prepare to welcome the vibrant Spring season, celebrating the auspicious occasion of Jamshedi Navroz! The festivities begin with the annual ritual of decluttering our homes (and hopefully, our hearts too), selecting new clothes, making guest lists or accepting invitations, choosing our favourite caterers and/or dishes to […]
Parsee Gymkhana At 140: A Testament To Sport, Heritage And Community
As a beacon of excellence, resilience, and unity, our small but influential community has built institutions that have withstood the test of time, preserving our traditions while embracing modernity. Our heritage institutions are not just a relic of the past, these are the foundation of our future. These time-honoured legacy establishments are not mere relics […]
Parsi Youth: The Key To Securing Our Legacy
Nationally and globally, our tiny community stands as a beacon of rich heritage, unwavering values, transformative impacts across various fields and its significant, lasting contributions to society. Even as we grapple with dwindling numbers, an aging population and a rapidly changing socio-economic landscape, we need to urgently address the critical issue of the lack of […]
The Joy of Giving – A Parsi Legacy
Dear Readers, Our Parsi community has long been known for its generosity, resilience and commitment to social welfare. From the grand philanthropic legacies of Jamsetji Tata and Sir Ratan Tata to the quiet, everyday acts of kindness by countless community members, we have built a tradition of giving that defines who we are. As rightly […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, In addition to, and even due to our dwindling numbers, our community increasingly faces the existential challenge of diminishing footfalls in our fire temples. These divine, sacred spaces, which were once the centres of the Parsi community’s spiritual and social life, have been witnessing fewer devotees, raising concerns about their sustainability and future […]
That Time Starts NOW!
Dear Readers, By the time February rolls around, we’ve usually settled into the rhythm of the new year. The second month of the year signals the slow fading of all that festive buzz and excitement we’ve been indulging in over the past few months – all those navjotes, lagans, parties, celebrations, et al. For some, […]
Happy Republic Day!
Dear Readers, Tomorrow, 26th January, 2025, marks our 76th Republic Day. While there is no denying the indispensable role our Parsi forefathers have played in India’s freedom struggle, as also in our direct and indirect contributions to fortifying the Indian Constitution, we can’t help but reflect on our diminishing presence in the Armed Forces. This […]
We Can’t Rise By Pulling Others Down
Dear Readers, I believe I speak for us all when I say it’s disparaging as a self-respecting community to make it into the national dailies for the wrong reasons. It is expected, even healthy, for any community to have its members holding on to differing viewpoints and beliefs over various issues – we are, after […]
The Art Of Living And The Art Of Giving
Dear Readers, As we make the most of this fabulous festive season, what stands out clearly is that us bawas have surely mastered the two main aspects of life – ‘The Art of Living’ and ‘The Art of Giving’. Repeatedly have we proven that the real essence of the art of living lies in its […]