From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

 Does Power Corrupt? Dear Readers, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” (by English  historian, politician and writer – Lord Acton) is a popular and widely accepted saying. Power is defined as the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events because of your standing and your possessions. We […]

From the Editors Desk

Saal Mubarak! Dear Readers, It brings me great pleasure in presenting PT’s Bumper Parsi New Year (Super)Special issue! What makes this issue special is the content, in keeping with the times, which we hope, will bring you smiles and laughter, as it is based on the theme – ‘Celebrating Hope’! Hope – much needed during […]

From the Editor’s Desk

Hope Or Fear? Dear Readers, Coming to terms with living with the fear of the novel coronavirus is tough – especially when it’s securely pinned against the backdrop of daily news stories blasting an ever-increasing number of COVID-positive cases, making fear a more warranted response than hope. Yes, this fear is real, but then, so […]

From the Editor’s Desk

Let’s Not Go Back To ‘Normal’ Dear Readers, If there’s one thing the Pandemic has taught us, it’s that we can’t afford to be thoughtless anymore… and not just about the precautionary measures we need to mandatorily adopt to escape being the victim of the rampage caused by the deadly virus, for months now. It’s […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

Success, Failure And The Numbers Game… Dear Readers, With Board results out this week, we had a good number of excited parents and grandparents sharing with PT the academic successes of our talented and hard-working young students, who had made us all proud with their fabulous results. As always, PT’s ‘Parsi Pride Brigade’ (Pg. 4) […]

From the Editors Desk

Be Parsi, Buy Parsi – An Atma-nirbhar Community! Dear Readers, Even as we welcome and brace ourselves for the outpouring of our Rain-gods, the overcast skies add only marginally to the gloom that the pandemic has set in. In addition to having claimed innumerable lives across the world, COVID-19 has emerged as the modern-day nemesis […]

From the Editors Desk

Don’t Ease-Up (Too Much) Post Lock-Down Dear Readers, The past few months we’ve lived out one of the world’s most severe Pandemic lockdowns. It’s only natural to want to get out and breathe and meet friends and visit places. But even as we get into ‘unlock’ mode, let’s not forget the Covid cases surging daily, […]