. Ahura Mazda, Thou dost create man; Thou dost not create his character. It is man’s own creation. Man is its maker and it springs from within him. It is his inestimable personal acquisition. Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds form character. It is the outward manifestation of man’s inner life regulated by the […]
Tag: Dhalla
I Pray For Forgiveness On My Knees
Sin poisons the spring of my life. It hides the truth from me and deadens my heart to virtue. Sin is the death of my spirit. Let me daily die to sin. I abjure sin. I turn away from it. I forsake my sinful past. I foreswear it. I expiate my transgression with sincere resolve […]
Create In Me The Penitent Spirit, Ahura Mazda!
. Not to sin is better than to expiate sin, I avow, Ahura Mazda. But if I have sinned through weakness of the flesh or ignorance or thoughtlessness or otherwise, I seek Thy indulgence towards my human frailty. Teach me to atone for my sin, for atonement stunts the growth of sin and withers it […]
The Torments Of A Guilty Conscience
. Daena is thine, Ahura Mazda. It is Thy divine voice that whispers and speaks to me through my conscience. It is the guardian and watchman of my morals and Thy moral law is engraved on its tablet. It is Thy vicegerent in me that approves and attests, commends and condemns, warns and guides, censures […]
Give Me A Peaceful Old Age
. Sinlessness is struggle. It is triumph in the war waged against temptation to sin. The sinful act is a sin indeed, but the very will to sin, the inclination to sin, the intention to sin, is also sin. The will to sin may not be realized, the inclination to sin may not succeed, and […]
Forlorn Is Life Without Faith In Thee, Ahura Mazda
. Replenish and restore my faith when it grows dim and light, Ahura Mazda, for life loses its luster when it loses its faith. Life is resplendent and rich when the fire on the altar of faith is aflame in my heart. Make me not wavering and weak in my faith in myself. Let my […]
Faith Works Wonders!
. Faith is the belief in the unknown, as belief is the faith in the known. Faith soars the highest heaven and dives to the deepest depth. Faith knows no bound and breaks through all barriers. Faith reads the secrets of the earth and deciphers the mysteries of heaven. Faith knows all and sees all. […]
Today Is My Own, Perchance Tomorrow May Never Come
Yesterday is past beyond recall. Today only is mine. Let me make the best use of it as it is my sure possession. Tomorrow has shadowy existence. It may or may not dawn for me. I may be dead and gone before it is born. Let me put procrastination far from me, when it comes […]
Time Is Life
Thine is Zurvan Akarana, the boundless Time, Ahura Mazda. From it hast Thou carved out Zurvan Daregho-khvadhata, the Time of Long Duration of our world. Eons count not in the eternity of time and a millennium is but a moment. The period of man’s life in eternity is like a flash of Thy lightning that […]
Our Culture Is Exotic
Thou, Ahura Mazda, art the divine artist who hast designed and built and sculptured and painted Thy sublime nature that speaks to us and sings to us and inspires us and elevates us. Real greatness of people consists not in its hoarded wealth or its territorial possessions, as in the accumulated treasure of the cultivated […]
Give Me Bodily Health, I Pray
Health is happiness. It is the greatest blessing of life. With health, life has everything, without it, it has nothing. Health is the richest possession of man upon Earth. Blank and empty is life when it is bereft of health. Dead is the joy in life, where health is lacking. Nor birth, nor wealth, nor […]