ZAC Hosts Congressman Lou Correa

Tribute Paid To Cyrus The Great’s Human Rights Legacy On 3rd February, 2025, the Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) welcomed U.S. Congressman Lou Correa of California’s 46th District to its Community Center in Orange, California. The visit was a momentous occasion for the Zoroastrian community. Congressman Correa was greeted by ZAC President Rooky Fitter, Captains […]

Humata, Hukhta, Hvrashta

Er. Zarrir Bhandara As we embark on the New Year 2025, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the profound teachings of Asho Zarthost Paigambar regarding a virtuous life. Zoroastrianism, at its core, emphasizes the harmonious interplay of Humata (good thoughts), Hukhta (good words), and Hvrashta (good deeds). This triad, beautifully encapsulated in the Persian […]

Er. Zarrir Bhandara Wows All At LA’s Grand Interfaith Iftar

On 28th April, 2022, the Los Angeles Consular Corps held its first-ever Ramadan Interfaith Iftar, bringing together LA’s Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Baháʼí, and Zoroastrian faith leaders. Homi Gandhi Past President of FEZANA and Er. Zarrir Bhandara, who heads ZAC (Zoroastrian Association of California) Atash kadeh, represented the Zoroastrian faith at the Interfaith/Multicultural Iftar […]

2019 American Academy of Religions Meet In San Diego

On 25th November, 2019, Er. Arda-E-Viraf Minocherhomjee, President – North American Mobeds Council (NAMC), and Er. Zarrir Bhandara joined Homi D Gandhi, President – FEZANA, at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Religion and Foreign Policy (RFP) Program, at the luncheon discussion on ‘Religion and Foreign Policy: Bridging the Divide during the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting’, at […]

‘Mobed’s Heart to Mobeds’ Hearts’ With Er. Zarrir Bhandara Wins Hearts!

On 2nd November, 2019, an inspirational Religious Seminar – ‘From A Mobed’s Heart To Mobeds’ Hearts’ – featuring Ervad Zarrir Bhandara, was held at the Ripon Club in Mumbai, at 11:00 am. This event was attended by over 20 mobeds, including the ex-Principal of Cama Athornan Madressa, Er. Kersi Karanjia, alongside Chief Guest – BPP […]