Surat’s Mum-Daughter Maharukh Chichgar And Mahazarin Variava To Perform Rare ‘Arangetram’

The community’s leading personality, Surat-based stage veteran and motivational speaker, Maharukh Chichgar has teamed up with her daughter, Mahazarin Variava, to perform a rare duo Bharatnatyam debut, also known as an ‘Arangetram’, after years of dedicated training and practice. ‘Arangetram’ is a Tamil word, which literally means ‘ascent to the stage’, marking a dancer’s graduation […]

Surat’s Mum-Daughter Maharukh Chichgar And Mahazarin Variava To Perform Rare ‘Arangetram’

The community’s leading personality, Surat-based stage veteran and motivational speaker, Maharukh Chichgar has teamed up with her daughter, Mahazarin Variava, to perform a rare duo Bharatnatyam debut, also known as an ‘Arangetram’, after years of dedicated training and practice. ‘Arangetram’ is a Tamil word, which literally means ‘ascent to the stage’, marking a dancer’s graduation […]

Surat Pays Tribute To Distinguished Community Members

Heartfelt tributes were paid on the passing of Hormazdiyar Patel, former Trustee of Surat Parsi Panchayat, at Sheth P K Kadim Atashbehram, Shahpore on 7th September, 2024, commencing with a prayer by Vada Dasturji Er. Cyrus Dastur, followed by a condolence address by Homi Doodhwala, President – SPP (Surat Parsi Panchayat), who extolled the remarkable contributions […]

ZWAS Celebrates Women’s Day With Global Folklore

The Zoroastrian Women’s Assembly of Surat (ZWAS) recently celebrated Women’s Day 2024, at the International Folklore Dance Fest 2.0, organised by Surat’s Taal Group, a Dance troupe by Krutika Shah and friends. The amphitheatre at Surat Science Centre came alive with vibrant gold and pink hues, commemorating friendship, femineity and festivity, celebrating Stree Shakti in […]

Surat’s D N Modi Atash Behram Holds Glorious Bicentennial Celebrations

On 1st October, 2023, Surat’s Sheth Dadabhoy Nusserwanji Modi Atash Behram celebrated its glorious 200 year- anniversary celebrations, with great fervour and joy. The newly painted Atash Behram was adorned with garlands and thronged by about 4,000 devotees, through the day. A Hama Anjuman Macchi commenced at 7:00 am, by offering seven logs of sandalwood […]

Surat’s Parsi Pragati Mandal Celebrates Independence Day

Known for conducting various cultural and social programmes for the Zoroastrian community in Surat, the city’s Parsi Pragati Mandal (PPM) celebrated India’s Independence Day amidst much patriotic pomp and splendour. A fancy dress competition and talent show, across different age categories, was organised in the Pak Kadim Atashbehram Saheb compound to unleash the budding talents. […]