The community’s leading personality, Surat-based stage veteran and motivational speaker, Maharukh Chichgar has teamed up with her daughter, Mahazarin Variava, to perform a rare duo Bharatnatyam debut, also known as an ‘Arangetram’, after years of dedicated training and practice. ‘Arangetram’ is a Tamil word, which literally means ‘ascent to the stage’, marking a dancer’s graduation […]
Tag: Mahazarin Variava
Surat’s Mum-Daughter Maharukh Chichgar And Mahazarin Variava To Perform Rare ‘Arangetram’
The community’s leading personality, Surat-based stage veteran and motivational speaker, Maharukh Chichgar has teamed up with her daughter, Mahazarin Variava, to perform a rare duo Bharatnatyam debut, also known as an ‘Arangetram’, after years of dedicated training and practice. ‘Arangetram’ is a Tamil word, which literally means ‘ascent to the stage’, marking a dancer’s graduation […]
ZWAS Holds 2-Day Festivity Extravaganza!
On 3rd August, 2024, the enterprising and dynamic ladies of ZWAS (Zoroastrian Women Assembly of Surat) held a 2-day festivity extravaganza for Surat’s Zoroastrian children, who wowed all with their talent and fervour. The participants gathered in the serene ambience of Pak Kadmi Atashbehram Hall, where the ZWAS ladies too were all geared to take […]
ZWAS Installs New President
ZWAS (Zoroastrian Women’s Assembly, Surat) – the city’s leading group helmed by dynamic Zoroastrian women, recently held an installation ceremony of its new President – Mahazarin Variava and her team, for 2023 – 2025, in the presence of ‘Steel Man of India’ and Guiness World Records holder – Vispy Kharadi. Also on stage were inspiring […]