WAPIZ Launches A Fund For Treatment Of Mental Illnesses- In my two decades of community service, I have come across many issues faced by our community members – be it poverty, medical issues, dysfunctional families, old age related problems, children not looking after aged parents, loneliness, divorce, domestic violence, drug abuse etc etc. But in […]

The New Year Happiness Challenge: A 30-Day Guide To Greater Well-Being

Psychologist Mehezabin Dordi practices at the Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital, where she assesses, formulates and implements comprehensive therapeutic interventions for patients with psychological / psychiatric problems, and others. Everyone seeks happiness but each one of us defines it differently – in terms of what it is that gives us joy, satisfaction, contentment, and […]

Understanding Attachment Styles And Their Impact on Relationships

Attachment refers to the deep emotional bond that forms between an infant and their primary caregiver, typically their parent or guardian. This bond plays a crucial role in the child’s social and emotional development, influencing their sense of security, self-esteem,and ability to form healthy relationships later in life. In psychology, the term, ‘attachment theory’ refers […]

Unplug The Overload: Navigating Digital Burnout In A Hyper-Connected World

Digital burnout refers to the state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive use of digital devices and technology. The modern plague of our interconnected world, digital burnout is a relentless wave of exhaustion and overwhelming stress stemming from the constant bombardment of digital devices and platforms. Its characteristics include feeling overwhelmed by […]